Anonymous ID: d06ef6 Feb. 9, 2020, 7:49 a.m. No.8082676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

6-7 letter isograms


Yarmulke - a skullcap worn in public by Orthodox Jewish men or during prayer by other Jewish men.

haremlik - In pre-Atatürk Turkey, a haremlik was the private portion of upper-class Ottoman homes, as opposed to the selamlik, the public area or reception rooms, used only by men in traditional Islamic society.

haulmier – a haulm is a stalk or stem

murkily - Dark or dim, as from mist: a murky sky. See Synonyms at dark. 2. Darkened, clouded, or blurry: murky waters; murky images

leukoma - a white opacity in the cornea of the eye.

Armlike - resembling an arm. armed

hulkier - Having a large body, especially in girth: bulky, heavy, hefty, hulking, husky, stout.

Lehayim - a traditional Jewish toast —often used interjectionallyraised his glass and said “lehayim!

Humeral - (in Catholic use) denoting a plain vestment worn around the shoulders when administering the sacrament.

Humoral - relating to the body fluids, especially with regard to immune responses involving antibodies in body fluids as distinct from cells.

Raylike - resembling a ray especially in having a slender elongated tapering form.

Yolkier - The portion of the egg of egg-laying vertebrates, such as reptiles and birds, and of certain invertebrates that consists chiefly of protein and fat and serves as the primary source of nourishment for the early embryo.

Armhole - each of two openings in a garment through which the wearer puts their arms.

Hemiola - a musical figure in which, typically, two groups of three beats are replaced by three groups of two beats, giving the effect of a shift between triple and duple meter.

Hoarily - showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair; "whose beard with age is hoar"

morulae - a solid ball of cells resulting from division of a fertilized ovum, and from which a blastula is formed.

Oarlike - Resembling an oar or some aspect of one.

Haulier - a person or company employed in the transport of goods or materials by road; a hauler.

Loamier - denoting or relating to a fertile soil of clay and sand containing humus.

Airhole - a hole in any surface that allows air or other gases to pass, especially an opening in the surface of a frozen lake etc. an air pocket. the blowhole of a whale.