Anonymous ID: 7c7ee4 Feb. 9, 2020, 3:04 p.m. No.8084344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4557



Kek (or Q) trying to tell us something re: Muh CoronaVirus?


I've suspected for a bit that team Q has the power to (and has been) "talk" to us under anon tripcode via trips, quads, etc. A few seemed too coincidental.


Witness notable >>8083666 (lb) Angry Chinese ambassador slams US Senator for “absolutely crazy" theory Coronavirus is biological weapon. Ends with trips of evil.


That autistically matches with notable >>7916103 (pb) about Darth Soros owning a biopharma co with major Wuhan lab facility at 666 Gaoxin Road.


666 --666


THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES. Is Kek or Q trying to tell us it was Soros behind Coronavirus from Wuhan?