+++ Breakin‘ Fuckin‘ News +++
Der hohle Klaus schwächelt massiv und das ausgerechnet an seinem 75. Geburtstag!
Yad Vashem entschuldigt sich für Falschdarstellungen in Filmen am „World Holocaust Day“!
The forum was headed by Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, a businessman, oligarch and billionaire considered close to Putin. It was held in collaboration with Yad Vashem and sponsored by President Reuven Rivlin, and Israel's foreign ministry was also involved in the production, which was broadcast live around the world.
The large number of bodies involved in the event created a problematic mix of politics, diplomacy and academia.
This sparked criticism from historians, politicians and other public figures, with some aimed directly at Yad Vashem.
Video recordings shown at the forum did not mention any of the Soviet Union's crimes in World War II, nor its responsibility for the war breaking out. "It did not include any reference to the partition of Poland between Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany in 1939, or the occupation of western Europe in 1940," Yad Vashem wrote.
The maps presented in the video erred in their depiction of the borders of Poland and its neighbors, and contained no reference to Ukraine, currently in the midst of an ongoing conflict with Putin's Russia.
ACHTUNG jetzt kommts!
It confused concentration camps with death camps
, and contained additional historical information that was either only partial or mistaken.
Man findet darüber Berichte auch in deutschen Medien, die gehen aber nur oberflächlich drauf ein und lassen die Stelle mit den death-concentration camps vollkommen aus!