Anonymous ID: 666247 Feb. 9, 2020, 6:02 p.m. No.8086582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6614 >>6650 >>6675 >>6697 >>6888


It becomes ionized to unsafe levels when enough power goes to the transmitter. Typically beyond 1 watt starts to become harmful to the touch.


Regulators are planning on 3 watts per light post to push roughly 86 Ghz range, It's enough to slow kill.


I have done my research. Don't listen to the "It's not ionized crowd" I've actually looked at the hardware myself.

Anonymous ID: 666247 Feb. 9, 2020, 6:12 p.m. No.8086697   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And my father-in-law is a radio specialist who also understands the dangers.


He stated it's not about the Frequency. It can be high and it will not affect you, but it's how much power is sent to the transmitter.


Example he gave was a Microwave oven runs at 2.4 Ghz, but can cook food, because 1000 watts is pumped into it. But a coordless phone from the 90's is also 2.4 Ghz, but only does 1.5 watts, so it's not so harmful for small usage (Though prolonged usage was proven to cause brain cancer).


The safe levels is about 1 watt. Which will not achieve what they wish to achieve. They need to use about 3.6 Watts for the average device.

Anonymous ID: 666247 Feb. 9, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.8086766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7059 >>7133


I'm not pushing anyone's agenda. I'm pushing scientific facts, that you and anyone can look up and find for yourselves.


It's fact that the telco's are pushing this technology without safety limitations. They don't give a damn. 220 scientists have all signed papers testifying to the dangers of 5G.


I'm not saying we can't bring it out, but we need to create better safety in it's release.


Not worth the price of lives to give our government ultimate surveillance.

Anonymous ID: 666247 Feb. 9, 2020, 6:49 p.m. No.8087139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7180 >>7183


No, but why does it have to be a choice between China over here with 5G and USA with 5G?


Even if the Chinese developed the technology, brought their warplanes over here, they would fail because there would be no 5G network they could operate on. So it's not such a danger to NOT build 5G networks as they are making it out to be.


But I bet you never considered that option did you?


The question to ask is, is it worth you giving up your privacy 100%. Sure they have a lot now, but they will literally have everything once this network goes up. It can visibly see you using a think called "Point Dot" technology. Think sonar, it can literally draw a picture by calculating the pings and directions, draw a point, and do this several thousand times a second, essentially drawing a map through walls. They cannot see through walls with low power to the transmitter so they have to crank it up higher to achieve this.


Sex in the bedroom will no longer be sacred with your husbands and wives. It will all be seen and recorded and stored in the Utah datacenter.


So why are we so quick to adopt such a technology? So we can have low latency applications? Is it worth giving up your privacy?


You tell me anon? I don't feel it's worth it.