>so is you saying
We Wuz Kangz?
>reminds me of the student editorial section at Alabama A&M '67
Don't be so quick to rule that one right there out.
Reconcile Lindsey passing the buck
>Intel Committee
>Sen Burr (R[In Name Only]-NC
>compd? deal made up front?
Stay tuned - eyes on B[u/a]rr
>there's a very high chance Lindsey has had No Names's penis in his mouth
Assess accordingly with the true odds of that fact in mind.
>Look Corey Feldman has been let outside again.
We give Pozo shit of Muh Chat Logs but Corey been doing that routine for 10X longer.
>aired only ONCE
FUCK and we still stuck with 70's tech we best memoralize that shit real good when we watch it
>this hot take is easy af
People we hate have doubles the real ones are dead.
People we love the doubles are dead and the real ones hanging out at R's South Pacific Island (near FIJI).
"Mike Bloomberg afraid to talk to black voters"