Anonymous ID: 38d9bb Feb. 9, 2020, 8:16 p.m. No.8088042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8066 >>8447 >>8571 >>8595

Guys check out War Castles on youtube, it explains what's going on.


Like why the flag in the Senate chambers is hung hanging up and down and backwards. A surrendered flag


And the flags on poles have yellow frills around them. That's not our flag.


Q = Quantum.


It's literally a FALSE FLAG


US of A is a corporation controlled by the British, well it was, but they never surrendered control when they lost it in 1999.


What else happened in 1999… something about Hong Kong…


War Castles.


Some very brave people saved us from certain doom, we just have to rip out the rest root and stem. Or at least watch it happen and bring the message to the masses.