Anonymous ID: 93e3a5 Feb. 9, 2020, 8:15 p.m. No.8088028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8040 >>8072 >>8316

23-minute vid

Coronavirus Epidemic Underestimated? - Zooming In

30,633 views•Premiered 4 hours ago


Zooming In with Simone Gao

The Wuhan coronavirus that has spread consternation around the world over the last few weeks has now killed more people in China than the SARS epidemic of 2002-2003. That is, according to the Chinese official record. As the coronavirus reaches 25 countries around the world, and a substantial amount of non-official reports surface from China, the Chinese regime is under scrutiny as to whether it is attempting to distort the true nature of the epidemic. How serious is it after all? Could it evolve into a pandemic? Why has China allowed few outside experts in to study the epidemic? How has the US responded to this global public health emergency? And what impact will it have on the global economy at large? We explore these questions in today’s episode of Zooming In.

Anonymous ID: 93e3a5 Feb. 9, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.8088382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8393 >>8540

Cheshire Kitten (We're All Mad Here) By SJ Tucker


I grew up seeing things a little differently, appearing,

disappearing, hardly innocent, nor

tied down to the ground.

I learned to roll and tumble with the punches,

glory in my stripes and spots

walk by invisible and never make a sound


But heavy is the crown that's always hidden

tender is the heart you never see

hard and fast shines the grin that we flash, but there's a vulnerable stripe or two on me.

Maybe any place outside of Wonderland

is not for me, my friend.


If I leave my grin behind, remind me

that we're all mad here

and it's okay.

Sun up, sun down the shadows hide me down in

Wonderland, Wonderland, nobody knows the way,

but if you find it in your dreams, you can

find it at your day job

somewhere south of Hell

Take the path to left or right with

just your gut to guide you

the story is not for anyone else to


Go down the rabbit hole and out the other side

you can't go home in the middle of the

magic carpet ride

you gotta greet the sun before his

lovely daughter moon

you can't forsake the journey for the

safety of your room

until you learn your lesson well.


I have learned to see and hear

everybody loud and clear

but the truth comes out in riddles that are

safe enough to share

that's how it is in songs, you see,

and stripes always look good on me

whether or not I'm really there (smile hangs in the air)

But heavy is the burden of the wise ones

when no one understands a word they say

the Jabberwock never bothered anyone,

but nobody believes him to this day

and why should they?


If I leave my grin behind, remind me

we're all mad here

and it's ok.

Sun up, sun down the shadows find me out in

Wonderland, Wonderland, nobody knows the way

but if you find it in your dreams,

you can find it at your day job

somewhere south of Hell

Take the path to left or right with

just your gut to guide you

the story's not for anyone else to


You gotta go down the rabbit hole and

out the other side

you can't go home in the middle of the

magic carpet ride

you gotta greet the sun before his

lovely daughter moon

you can't forsake the journey for the

safety of your room

until you learn your lesson well.


Is it the stripes or the spots you see?

Was it hearts or diamonds, baby, led you here to me?

Darling, you know better than to trust a pack of cards!

What have we learned,

the world is never as mad as it could be.


If I leave my grin behind, remind me

we're all mad here

and it's ok!