Anonymous ID: b15df5 Feb. 9, 2020, 8:27 p.m. No.8088157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8087828 (lb)

you really are stupid, aren't you? Still buying their lies? Go fuck yourself.

And no, not one has asthma. As I said, all 4 perfectly healthy. You are the retard who has bought the LIES. You think you are soooo smart being here, yet you still don't realize the brainwashing you still buy in to.

If you were standing in front of me right now, I would knock you the fuck out. And remember, we are anons here. So you have no idea who I am. Who the fuck do you think you are calling my spouse a whore and trash??

You are probably the same useless idiot who smokes pot, also a plant btw, and explain it away as if it's ok.




ruined the kid's lives? Are you seriously fucking stupid? Ruined.....far, far from it, idiot. All are A-B students, successful athletes, and awesome children all around. How dare you ASSUME something so fucking ridiculous.


I am going to now ASSUME myself. You are a shill. Because anons would never respond as you have. And I did not ask for a "pat on the head" retard. I was replying to something with personal experience.


[YOU] need to grow the FUCK up! Where do you get your precious "research", Twitter???


There are some things that we "just can't talk about" here. Filing this topic in that file.