Anonymous ID: c900a6 Feb. 10, 2020, 3:05 a.m. No.8090505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0524 >>0534



Spoopy stuff. But what does it all mean?

Near as I can tell, not much.

But this article and others about the Temples at Dendera are full of stuff we can use.


The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt


Many will of course ask where the tools are that could have done work such as this. We do know that strange devices and materials have been found in archaeological sites in different parts of the world, and have been labeled, boxed and hidden out of view because they do not fit the conventional historical paradigm. Sir William Flinders Petrie was one of the great Egyptologists of the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries. Petrie found a number of core drills, many of which are now housed in the museum named after him at the University College London in London England. The actual hollow drill bits have not been found, but the cores made of limestone, alabaster, granite and other stones have.


We have no choice but to entertain the idea that a civilization existed before what we call the pharaohs and in fact had forms of what we would call high technology, and that these people lived in the area prior to 3100 BC.


Anonymous ID: c900a6 Feb. 10, 2020, 3:09 a.m. No.8090524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Eye The Spy's banner looks like so…

Knowing that he is a former NSA analyst

And an Autist

Who has been dropping verifiable crumbs similar to Q

I thought there must be more to this

Turns out that the base photo

Is the Temple of hathor at Dendera in Egypt

Oh my God!

Most of us have come across one or more of the items of info

Associated with this Temple

But we were not accustomed to making connections

And drawing a map at 40000 feet

Or distinguishing between true chance, and evidence


Trump dropped a few crumbs at Davos

About advanced technology that we have

And are now unleashing

Molten-salt Thorium nuclear reactions

That can CLEAN radioactive waste while using it as fuel

And Russia has one running since 2016

And Low Energy Nuclear Reactors (Cold Fusion)


Anonymous ID: c900a6 Feb. 10, 2020, 3:12 a.m. No.8090534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0685


The cow goddess, Hathor, is one of the most significant goddesses of Ancient Egypt. She was known as "the Great One of Many Names." She was a fertility sky-goddess also known as "Lady of Stars" and "Sovereign of Stars" with a primary connection to the star, Sirius.


The brightest star visible from any part of Earth, Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major the Greater Dog. Sirius is sometimes called the Dog Star. The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the "dog days" of summer for the ancient Greeks (the hot days of July and August), while to the Polynesians in the Southern Hemisphere, the star marked winter and was an important reference for their navigation around the Pacific Ocean.


To the Egyptians, Hathor was also a personification of the Milky Way, itself, which was considered to be the milk that flowed from the udders of a heavenly cow.


As "sky goddess," she was seen as the mother of Horus (as the "sun" is housed within her) and seen as both mother and daughter to Ra, too. In one myth she is Ra's eye and considered his daughter but later, when Ra assumes the role of Horus with respect to Kingship, she is considered Ra's mother. As a mother she gave birth to Ra each morning on the eastern horizon and as wife she conceives through union with him each day.

Anonymous ID: c900a6 Feb. 10, 2020, 3:34 a.m. No.8090603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0616


This is the only thing I found that is not entirely a dead end.


Every once in a while you get this kind of cloud pattern in the sky.


Could that be the source of this barred pattern?

Make a towel of blue and white striped fabric

Put it on your head in the style word by Tut-Ankh-Amun

And it looks like this barred arch pattern


Now, look at what would be the keystone location

There is a cobra (Uraeus) and a Vulture

They symbolize the two kingdoms, Upper and Lower Egypt.


Now think further

Who wears blue and white striped cloth?


I think the stacked arches are merely a SYMBOL

Symbols will be their downfall

We can track these people through their symbols

And that stacked arch leads all the way to Ancient Egypt

And the priesthood/religion of those days

They had a dispute when Akhenaten realised there is only one God

Who he called Aten

But it was only some foreigners from Asia

Who embraced that idea

Perhaps because these Habiru were wanderers

And so they did not value massive temples and huge priesthoods

So in the end, Akhenaten left Egypt with the Habiru

To join their relatives, the miners of Sinai

And the people called him Messiah, or in Hebrew Mosheh

Moses in Egyptian

But all along, there were snakes in the ointment

They tried to worship a golden calf when Akhenaten was on the mountain

Carving the commandments of the law

And the Synagogue of Satan was a continual thorn in the side

Of those who had awakened, who saw the light.

They remember King Tut

Who restored the old ways

They are the Cult of Con Artists

Who have learned to herd people like sheep

And fleece them whenever the sheep accumulate a bit of wealth

Like the mortgage crisis of 2008

Laughing all the way to the bank

Anonymous ID: c900a6 Feb. 10, 2020, 3:56 a.m. No.8090687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0696


Never seen the Ellen show before

But what struck me was the name

Circle, twin towers, circle, arch

Reminded me of an analysis I did of the ISIS flag


To be clear

The ISIS logo has 3 lines of letters

It appears to say Mohammed is the Messenger of God

But it is written backwards from bottom to top.


The bottom row has Mohammed's name like a snake with two fangs

Isis was the ancient Egyptian snake goddess.


The middle row has twin towers at either end

And in between the letters look like 3 lines and a circle


The top row also has letters that look like 3 lines and a circle.

They were trying to make their MAGICK SPELL more powerful this way.

Symbolism will be their downfall


I also include the Shahada written out

With each letter separated

So you can check them out yourself

Even if you don't know Arabic

The flag is not written naturally

Anonymous ID: c900a6 Feb. 10, 2020, 5:08 a.m. No.8090934   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm not so sure about British Fake History


First of all, a group of the Tatar tribes in Southern Russia and Ukraine

Called themselves Cuman

From the word CUM which meant Godfather

A warrior would only allow a trusted man

Perhaps a relative

To be the godfather of his sone

Because the godfather knew the true name of the child.

So Cuman really meant something like relatives

Except they were not all blood descendants of one founder.


Now in Britain, before the Romans, the main tribe was the Cymri. The letter Y in Latin was used for a sound between I and U. Probably the U-umlaut sound. So Cumri - Cymri could well be related.


The Cymri were Celts and they left a trail of place names and ethnic names like Galicia, Galata, Galatia behind them through southern Europe and Turkey. I don't see any issue with the language being different because at that time, in the steppe there were a lot of dialects, and languages. When the Turco-mongols formed a confederation the warriors naturally used turco-mongol language to communicate. Some of their descendants kept using the war language, others reverted to their ancestral tongue or some form of creole.


Most of this Tartaria stuff is bullshit because it just shows a bunch of flag pictures. You need much more digging. And more importantly, why does it matter?


To Russia it matters a great deal because they were taught that Tatars were foreign asiatic enemies. But the reality is that the Russian khagan paid tribute to the Turco-mongol Khan of khans, and got the yarlik that gave him the right of rule. And that tribute was a number of young men and probably women too, to be trained as soldiers. The warriors spoke Tatar (turco-mongolian) but they were the same ethnic group. And the famous battle with Dmitri Donskoy, did not happen in or near eastern Ukraine. It happened in the center of Moscow. It was a civil war of sorts and helped the Rus break away from the Altin Orda (Golden Horde)


And then there is the German question. Goths did not come from Scandinavia. They came from the east like all the other Tatars. But some did take the Midgard serpent route, up the Volga, then portage into Lake Ladoga, and sail into the salty sea. The Gothic language likely took form in Khazaria where the Turkic tribes spoke a creole of Turkic and Slavic languages. That became Gothic. A core of Turkic words, with many Slavic words mispronounced or misunderstood.


So we have a word like happiness where we don't know what the ness is other than a suffix to make a noun from an adjective. But a Slav knows that it is from nosit, the verb meaning to carry. So happiness is the state that carries happy. Where does scatter come from? A slave will see that it is from katat, a verb which means to slide or to move around. If you modify it to the perfective aspect with a prefix skatat it means something like "slid sway completely" or "moved away". Basically that is what scatter means when talking about a group of people.


Germans and English were Turks, then Tatars, and now they pretend to be Indo-Europeans.

Anonymous ID: c900a6 Feb. 10, 2020, 5:14 a.m. No.8090955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1076



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