Anonymous ID: 4fdfa4 Feb. 10, 2020, 5:42 a.m. No.8091111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1149 >>1430 >>1442 >>1471 >>1606 >>1760

>>8083380 (pb - Q's post)

>>8090765 (lb)


Maybe Q's reference to "JUSTICE" yesterday had a dual meaning:


So I'm thinking perhaps Q could be referring to justice for the MURDER of Justice Scalia, whose death allegedly occurred on February 13, 2016.


I'm thinking it would be fitting to get JUSTICE for the JUSTICE on the anniversary of his murder.

Anonymous ID: 4fdfa4 Feb. 10, 2020, 5:47 a.m. No.8091131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1154 >>1193 >>1198 >>1380 >>1477

>>8081806 and >>8081815 -- ‘’’There is a direct connection between the U.S. and China Governors’ Collaboration Summit and a Recent Q Drop – Q No. 3847 (pb)’’’


This post from yesterday -- >>8081373 – was a notable that discussed the Communist Chinese governments’ takeover of North Carolina.


Also, another Anon from yesterday posted the following at >>8082649 and >>8082760.


China’s takeover of our 50 states has been in the works for years.


Who is ‘’’North Carolina Senator Dan Blue’’’, who signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the ‘’’Chinese People’s Association for Friendship and Foreign Countries’’’ in Boston, Massachusetts back in 2017?


See - >>8082649


Senator Dan Blue apparently paved the way for the Communist Chinese government takeover of our country through subversion and infiltration.


Notably, Blue’s Wiki page says nothing about this monumental deal, at least not as of yesterday.






Notably, this Communist Chinese government group is the same one to which Mr. Pompeo referred in his warning issued to the sold-out governors.


Finally, I must note that right after this Commie China stuff was posted yesterday, the whole damn board went down. Again.


Apparently, the Communist Chinese government doesn’t want us talking about the Communist Chinese government’s attempted takeover of our country through infiltration and subversion.


Please discuss (not to be confused with "please clap.")

Anonymous ID: 4fdfa4 Feb. 10, 2020, 6:05 a.m. No.8091223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1281


Very good points, Anon. I am a Masshole who had been out of the state for a while. When I came back, a few years ago, and had to do business on college campuses, I was incensed to see how many of the laboratories had been taken over by China and Chinese students.


For example, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, has largely been overrun with Chinese. Entire biuldings have been overtaken by the Chinese.


The students seem to be nice young people, but there's no telling how many of them are spies and plants.


My family and I are particularly interested in Mr. Pompeo's ominous warning to the governors who are complicit in the takeover of our states by the Chinese.


I bet you anything that Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker is one of the biggest co-conspirators of all.


Do y'all remember how the Mockingbird Media propped up Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker as the "most popular governor"? Multiple times?


My guess is that ANY governor who's been propped up by the Mockingbirds is a suspected traitor.




Charlie Baker holds nation’s ‘most popular governor’ status, again – Pundits: Popularity could help him run for higher office





By MARY MARKOS | | Boston Herald


PUBLISHED: January 10, 2019 at 9:50 pm |

UPDATED: January 28, 2019 at 11:22 am


Gov. Charlie Baker has been named yet again as the nation’s most popular governor, with a 72 percent approval rating.


Baker has now topped the popularity chart for two full years, according to the latest edition of Morning Consult’s quarterly Governor Approval Rankings.


“It’s no small feat to maintain the high level of popularity that Gov. Baker has for several years now,” Republican consultant Ryan Williams said. “He’s the most popular governor in the nation for a reason: He has been an effective leader for the commonwealth, he’s worked across the aisle, and gotten results for the people of Massachusetts. That’s why his job approval rating continues to be at an astronomical level.”


More people either didn’t know or had no opinion of whether or not they approved of Baker, at 15 percent, than the 14 percent who disapprove. The rankings are based on 416,841 surveys taken by registered voters across the country, which were conducted from Oct. 1 through Dec. 31.


“As evidenced by public polls and their historic victory this November, voters are continuing to respond to Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito’s brand of results-oriented bipartisan leadership,” Baker’s political adviser Jim Conroy said.


The most recent job performance assessment brings Baker’s net approval up 5 percentage points from his third-quarter rating. Political pundits said that the popularity could help Baker if he ever decided to run for higher office.


“It cant hurt him,” political consultant Chip Jones said. “Popular people get elected.”

Williams stressed, however, that he doesn’t expect Baker to seek any other office.


“He’s legitimately content being governor,” Williams said. “It’s the job he’s always wanted and now he has it and he’s doing a fantastic job.”


Maryland Governor Larry Hogan trailed Baker as the second-most popular, with a 68 percent approval rate, followed by Republicans Kay Ivey of Alabama, Chris Sununu of New Hampshire and Matt Mead of Wyoming, respectively. Nine of the top 10 most popular governors are Republicans. Democrat David Ige of Hawaii came in at No. 10, the first time a Democrat made the list in more than two years.


The five least popular governors, most of whom are on their way out, included Republican Mary Fallin of Oklahoma, Democrat Dan Malloy of Connecticut, Republican Bruce Rauner of Illinois, Maine Republican Paul LePage, who left office last week and Alaska independent Bill Walker.


Four governors on the list are considered potential candidates for the 2020 presidential election. Term-limited Republican John Kasich of Ohio, who is known for being critical of President Trump, earned a 48 percent approval rating.


Three Democrats — John Hickenlooper of Colorado, Jay Inslee of Washington and Steve Bullock of Montana have also been discussed as potential contenders.

Anonymous ID: 4fdfa4 Feb. 10, 2020, 6:10 a.m. No.8091258   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good point, fren. I would love to see the truth about RBG come out. I have no idea what the truth is, but someething tells me she's been dead for over a year (remember Fox posted an image showing that she croaked in early 2019?). I just want the games to end, the traitors executed (after a full and fair trial on the merits, of course), and our great nation restored.

Anonymous ID: 4fdfa4 Feb. 10, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.8091347   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These breakfast diners don't seem happy to see Warren. Notice the new mother on the left side of the screen has her arms crosed and won't uncross them? Yeah.


And mad props to the white-haired lady on the right who says, "I'm from Massachusetts, and I know all about you" to Warren.


Warren replies, "Oh good, good, then you can tell everyone."


Hahahahaha. Yeah, Massachusetts has known this liar longer than anyone. Go, White-Haired-Lady, Go. Tell everyone you know the truth about Elizabeth Warren.