Anonymous ID: e3e55f Feb. 10, 2020, 5:59 a.m. No.8091185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Please, anyone who is close to Eric, tell him to simply slow down and breathe.


Slow down for two primary reasons:

1: half of us are below average

2: it allows you to put emphasis on key words


One would think that Breathing would be self explanatory yet again, Breathe.

I recall almost passing out on more than one occasion.



Use a hand gesture to interrupt/pause them instead of feeling the need to rush over top with words.

Avoid eye contact during the hand gesture and most will zip right up!


Calm, cool, collected as we walk down and fuck them all!


5:5 o7

Anonymous ID: e3e55f Feb. 10, 2020, 6:48 a.m. No.8091453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1460 >>1475 >>1502 >>1522 >>1535



2/10/20 AT 5 04 AM EST


"Bucci has now doubled down his defense on the ban while hitting out at those who raised issues of child abuse within the Catholic church to attack it.


"We're not talking about any other moral issue where somebody's making a comparison between pedophilia and abortion," Bucci told WJAR. "Well, pedophilia doesn't kill anyone, and this does."

Anonymous ID: e3e55f Feb. 10, 2020, 7:02 a.m. No.8091532   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Catholic case for Bernie Sanders

Feb 10, 2020


"I believe that if my mother were alive today, she would love Pope Francis. And I believe that she would have sided with Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich's proposal that the U.S. bishops' letter on "Faithful Citizenship" include Francis' reminder that as important as our concern with abortion may be, we must see as equally important our concern with the needs of those who are most vulnerable — the poor, the elderly, refugees, and victims of abuse and injustice.


Knowing her as I did, I believe that my mother also would be supporting Bernie Sanders in 2020. She probably would have been as delighted as I was when I heard the incomparable Dick Van Dyke say that he was supporting Sanders because he'd waited his entire life to vote for someone who would continue the work started by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. And she would have agreed with my wife, Eileen, who says that she's supporting Sanders because he is the most authentic, principled, compassionate and morally righteous candidate in the Democratic field.


Eileen and I went to a Jesuit college, where we met and were profoundly influenced by Daniel Berrigan. We grew up believing that our Catholic faith carried with it the moral injunction to oppose war, fight against injustice, and lift up those in need. And we are parishioners at Washington's Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, where we delight in the homilies of Fr. Percy D'Silva as he speaks out against gun violence, racism, and the plight of refugees and immigrants."

Anonymous ID: e3e55f Feb. 10, 2020, 7:16 a.m. No.8091614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1760

States use Catholic clergy abuse lists to screen applicants



February 10, 2020



"In the wake of revelations that scores of Roman Catholic priests and religious workers credibly accused of child sexual abuse are living unsupervised in communities across the country, state officials face a quandary: Should they screen former clergy members who seek licenses for jobs that put them in contact with children? And, if so, how?


An Associated Press investigation last fall found nearly 200 accused clergy members had been granted teaching, mental health or social work licenses, with roughly six dozen still holding valid licenses to work in those fields in 2019.


Since then, at least 20 states have started using church-released lists of priests and employees who faced credible allegations to screen applicants or check for current state teaching, foster care and therapy licenses — and, in some cases, have revoked credentials.


As part of the church’s attempt to be more transparent about its ongoing sexual abuse crisis, more than 170 dioceses and religious orders have publicly released lists of clergy members they found to be credibly accused of abuses ranging from rape to child pornography.


Over 5,300 priests, clergy members and a handful of lay employees — more than 2,000 of them still living — are on the lists. But because most were never convicted of a crime, the allegations of child abuse never appeared in licensing background checks, the AP’s investigation revealed.


Church and law enforcement officials have said there is little they can do to monitor or restrict the nearly 1,700 mostly former clergy members the AP found living without supervision because many voluntarily left the church or were laicized, which means they are permanently restricted from the priesthood and return to private citizenship."

Anonymous ID: e3e55f Feb. 10, 2020, 7:26 a.m. No.8091658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is the Pope Catholic?


at 1:40 PM Posted by Kevin Edward White


"Even when, as at present, the Catholic Church exercises very little direct political or social power, its continued witness to the world after two millennia retains a compelling grandeur. Empires rise and fall, revolutions come and go, but the Church—miraculously—endures, despite great internal troubles, a great pre-modern bulwark in the modern day against shallow rationalism and moral relativism. And so when the Catholic Church seems to have become unsure, or divided, about its own meaning—as it has been since Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis in March 2013—the world notices.


In one of the early, defining moments of his papacy, Francis told the 3 million young people assembled in Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day 2013, “hagan lío,” a phrase from his native Argentina that means “raise a ruckus” or, more literally, “make a mess.” He presumably wanted them to bring fresh energy into the daily life of the Church and the world. The prudence of asking young people to do what they are already inclined to do anyway—knowing little, as they do, of the Church or the world—is debatable. But there’s no question that in his various efforts to stir things up, Pope Francis has in many ways, figuratively and literally, made a mess of the stewardship entrusted to him. Several recent books help us to understand that mess and its broadening repercussions."