Have Lisa Page (FBI/DOJ) lawyer and RR’s wife Lisa Barsoomian (FBI/Clintons/Bush/Obama/Sebellius...) lawyer ever worked cases together?
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=9Q0aXTM3dM0&app=desktop
Have Lisa Page (FBI/DOJ) lawyer and RR’s wife Lisa Barsoomian (FBI/Clintons/Bush/Obama/Sebellius...) lawyer ever worked cases together?
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=9Q0aXTM3dM0&app=desktop
Yes, I’ve said this day 1: Omnibus 101
Buckets are appropriations categories, buckets don’t cross to other buckets.
Bucket snippets are useless in context without accompanying riders.
Riders legally direct how appropriated bucket funds may or may not be used.
Riders do not change without a bill amending them, look to comittees for any of those amendments pending.