Internet Bill of Rights
Created by A.M. on March 04, 2018
Needs 69,196 signatures by April 3, 2018 to get a response from the White House
30,804 signed
100,000 goal
"Internet forums and social networks which provide free access to the public are a digital place of assembly, and individuals using such methods for public communication should not be subjected to censorship due to political beliefs or differing ideas. Conservative voices on many large public website platforms are being censored, based solely on a differing opinion. Some of these platforms further employ tracking mechanisms for monitoring an individual's digital history, which can be used to censor the individual's public communication through various censorship practices, sometimes without knowledge or awareness. These actions directly violate personal liberty and stand at contrast with the bill of rights.
We the people demand action to bring our digital future into the light."
Ok, a "Bill of RIGHTS" that doesn't explicitly state a single right, only "the light"??
Read the text, we'd be 'forced' to let the FEers post their shit here, at least now we have the choice to let the chaff hang with our wheat and provide some cover.
Starts with an accusation of censorship, with nothing to back it up.
Not a matter of:
>If you think it won't help, then sign it and prove it won't.
Actually think this one hurts to see any more light than it has.
Not holding you or anyone else back, just my own opinion and what I choose or don't choose to share with / influence others around me.