Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 8:11 a.m. No.8091964   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coming to America….If they get their way


Proposal to charge green tax on meat to offset environmental damage


Europeans should be asked to pay a tax of €0.42 a kilo on beef and veal, to offset the costs to the environment of raising cattle for human consumption, according to a proposal presented this week to the European Parliament by TAPP Coalition, a Dutch NGO.


The proposal also includes a tax on pork of €0.32/kg and on chicken of €0.15/kg. Those figures would apply on introduction of the tax, but would increase substantially after that: to €2.22/kg, €1.69/kg and €0.80/kg in 2025, and to €4.77/kg, €3.61/kg and €1.73/kg by 2030.


The sums involved, at least to begin with, seem small, but when taken into consideration beside the volumes of meat sold, they begin to mount up. Current production of beef and veal stands at 3.3 million tonnes; of pork at 10.8 million tonnes and of chicken at 8.5 million tonnes.


According to TAPP (True Animal Protein Price Coalition), the tax would only achieve its aim in the years to come, as the income diminished in line with a reduction in production brought about by the effect of increased prices on demand. So, in 2021, production would be barely affected, at respectively 3.3 million tonnes, 10.6 million tonnes and 8.5 million tonnes.

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 8:15 a.m. No.8091998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Christians in northeast Syria living in fear as Turkish forces, IS group active in region


In northeastern Syria, the Christian community is more threatened than ever. Last October, it found itself caught in the middle of the battle between Turkish and Kurdish forces. Meanwhile, Islamic State group sleeper cells are active in the region and the Christian minority is one of their targets. Our reporters Chris Huby and Matthieu Delmas went to meet a community living in fear of kidnappings and attacks.


In northeastern Syria, the Christian minority is caught in the crossfire. When Turkey launched Operation "Peace Spring" against Kurdish YPG fighters on the Turkish-Syrian border last October 9, Christians found themselves surrounded by fighting. Turkish forces and their allies took control of a handful of predominantly Christian villages in the Khabur Valley.


Meanwhile, Islamic State (IS) group sleeper cells have been reactivated, targeting the Christian minority – whose members they consider heretics – and forcing US troops to take up positions in the villages in late January 2020.


The consequences have been disastrous. While international observers had hoped for the return of Christians to the region, the exact opposite occurred. In a new exodus of the Christian minority, many have fled to Europe, the United States or Australia, even if that meant leaving all their possessions behind.

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 8:19 a.m. No.8092026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Human Rights Watch urges Mali to investigate massacres


Human Rights Watch on Monday called on Mali to bring to justice jihadist and ethnic militants who killed more than 450 people in the centre of the war-torn country last year.


Massacres committed in the centre of the West African country amounted to “the deadliest year for civilians” since 2012, the NGO said in a report.


Mali has been struggling to contain an Islamist insurgency that erupted in the north in 2012, and which has claimed thousands of military and civilian lives.


Despite the presence of foreign troops, the conflict has since spread to the centre of the country as well as neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger.


Human Rights Watch pointed to the ethnic mosaic of central Mali as the “epicentre” of violence in the country.


“Armed groups are killing, maiming, and terrorizing communities throughout central Mali with no apparent fear of being held to account,” said report author Corinne Dufka in a statement.


“Armed groups are killing, maiming, and terrorizing communities throughout central Mali with no apparent fear of being held to account."@CorinneDufka in new report @hrw


— Jan Kooy (@KooyJan) February 10, 2020

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.8092057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2161 >>2321 >>2405 >>2558 >>2560

Only posting because its free




Welcome to Conservative University! CU is a project of Accuracy in Academia and will offer free online courses promoting conservative principles. The courses will primarily be geared towards college students, but are open to all lovers of liberty and free speech!


Each course will be taught by expert faculty, will offer continued education resources, class summaries, and an optional brief quiz to test your ascertained knowledge about the class topic.

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 8:27 a.m. No.8092085   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Merkel’s party trembles: AKK departure sparks predictions of ‘CDU end’ & calls for German govt reshuffle


The announcement of Angela Merkel's heir apparent, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, saying that she is resigning as her party's head and won't run for the post of chancellor, has stirred up a political storm in Germany.


Kramp-Karrenbauer, often shortened as AKK, on Monday said she is stepping down as the leader of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), clarifying she's also abandoning her bid to run for chancellor in the next election.


The shock announcement came after AKK appeared powerless to stop CDU delegates from siding with the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the eastern state of Thuringia, sending her party into domestic crisis.


The 57-year-old's partial departure — already dubbed the CDU "earthquake" — was met with mixed reaction in Berlin

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.8092133   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Venezuelan-Americans warn US voters in powerful video: Don't let socialism happen here


While some members of the media go to great lengths to argue that U.S. democratic socialists are different than Latin American leftists, some Venezuelan-Americans see little difference between the two. As they watch their native homeland fall apart from afar, they are now turning their attention to the 2020 race for the White House and warning Americans of the horrors of socialism.


'We thought what happened in Cuba would never happen to us'

Reached by telephone on Sunday, Daniel DiMartino, a young activist, told TheBlaze how many of his fellow countrymen were fooled by the late Hugo Chavez into believing the country was poorer than it actually was.


"We were able to put food on the table, work hard, and pay for what we wanted. We were rich but didn't know it," DiMartino said.


He added, "I don't want Americans to wake up one day and find themselves saying the same thing."


Meanwhile, Victor Perez, a Venezuelan-American finance executive in Miami, Fla., told TheBlaze that too many voters in the U.S. are allowing themselves to be misled by the likes of Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 8:41 a.m. No.8092185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These Are The Major Players Trying To Gain Favor With China


Instead of recognizing China’s expansion of its military bases in the South China Sea and its economic influence campaign, known as the Belt and Road Initiative, as threats to the interests of the U.S. and its allies, several politicians and political groups have taken an active role in downplaying the threat posed by China and curry favor with its communist regime.


From Democratic presidential candidates to conservative groups concerned about trade, to one of of the United States’ closest allies, these major political players are trying to curry favor with the power that the Department of Defense regards as the greatest long-term threat to the nation’s interests.

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 8:44 a.m. No.8092203   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Devin Nunes: Remove All Obama Holdovers from NSC — Move NSC Out of White House and Across the Potomac River (VIDEO)


Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures yesterday morning.


Rep. Nunes ripped the liberal media after their disastrous three years of lying and misleading the American public.


The leftie mainstream media TRULY is an enemy to Truth.


Rep. Nunes also urged President Trump to move the entire NSC apparatus out of the White House and across the Potomac River.

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 8:47 a.m. No.8092229   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why didn’t the media obsessively cover a horrific mass shooting live streamed on Facebook?

The media usually goes overboard with wall to wall coverage of tragedies, but not with the one in Thailand, why?


It was a horrific tragedy made for media coverage, a mass shooter live-streaming the attack on social media killing 26 people and wounding 57 more. After which he holed up for 16 hours before he has fatally shot by police sharpshooters.


The national socialist media provided the perfunctory coverage of a breaking news story and then dropped it like a hot potato. Why?


Compare this to the mass murder in Christchurch, New Zealand. That brought about wall to wall coverage for weeks on end. Both were stunningly similar with the mass murderer killing and wounding scores of innocent people with the liberty grabber left’s favorite boogie man: an assault weapon.


Tragedy tailor made for television

The media usually jumps at a chance to take up several news cycles with their cause célèbre: gun violence. However in this case the story has essentially dropped from the headlines. Gone were the hours and hours of breathless coverage by news readers, pontificating on ‘the easy access to guns’ and incessant calls to do something – anything – about ‘gun violence’.


There are two very good reasons why we didn’t see the usual obsessive coverage:


The attack took place overseas, invalidating the ‘US has a unique problem with gun violence’ narrative.

The mass murderer was a soldier, negating the liberty control will solve the problem narrative.

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.8092259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2416 >>2571

Crossfire Hurricane: Texts Suggest FBI Considered Using Agent’s Connection to Mike Pence Aide


Text messages reveal the FBI considered using a personal connection between an FBI employee and a member of Vice President Mike Pence’s staff to further its controversial probe into unsubstantiated and ultimately discredited allegations of collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.


The text messages in question were exchanges between disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page, the infamous texting duo who were previously reportedly romantically involved.


The detail was buried in a three-sentence footnote, footnote 480, on page 344 of the Justice Department’s previously released 476-page Inspector General report on the FBI’s Russia collusion investigation, known as Crossfire Hurricane.

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 9 a.m. No.8092307   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Great Academic Purge Of Skeptical Climate Scientists


A left-wing Australian advocacy teamed up with the elitist Center for American Progress in the U.S. to destroy the reputation of climate skeptics who dared to debunk faulty global warming science.


Dissent is simply not tolerated. These attacks have been vicious but persistent and well-funded.


The Center for American Progress (CAP) was founded by Trilateral Commission member John Podesta, a left-wing ideologue who almost single-handedly crafted global warming and environmental policies for the Clinton and Obama administrations. Podesta was a central figure in forming the Obama campaign and administration, and was Hilary Clinton’s campaign manager in the during the 2016 elections.


CAP’s largest financial donors include the Ford Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the Peter G. Peterson Foundation and the Schwab Charitable Fund. ⁃ TN Editor


A climate advocacy group called Skeptical Science hosts a list of academics that it has labeled “climate misinformers.” The list includes 17 academics and is intended as a blacklist. We know of this intent because one of the principals of Skeptical Science, a blogger named Dana Nuccitelli, said so last Friday, writing of one academic on their list, “if you look at the statements we cataloged and debunked on her [Skeptical Science] page, it should make her unhirable in academia.”


That so-called “unhirable” academic is Professor Judy Curry, formerly the chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech, and a Fellow of both the American Geophysical Union and American Meteorological Society. By any conventional academic metric, Curry has compiled an impressive record over many decades. The idea that she would be unhirable would seem laughable.

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 9:04 a.m. No.8092332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2349 >>2370 >>2371

SORRY NANCY!… Amazing TPUSA Video that Pelosi Demanded Twitter to Take Down PASSES THE 10 MILLION VIEWS MARK!

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.8092376   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran satellite launch fails, in blow to space programme


Iran said it "successfully" launched a satellite Sunday but failed to put it into orbit, in a blow to its space programme that the US alleges is a cover for missile development.


The attempted launch of the Zafar – "Victory" in Farsi – comes days before the 41st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution and crucial parliamentary elections in Iran.


Arch foes Iran and the United States have appeared to be on the brink of an all-out confrontation twice in the past seven months.

Long-standing acrimony between Tehran and Washington was exacerbated in 2018 when US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from a deal that froze Iran's nuclear programme, before issuing new demands that Tehran curtail its development of ballistic missiles.


Washington has also raised concerns in the past about Tehran's satellite programme, saying the launch of a carrier rocket in January 2019 amounted to a violation of limits on its ballistic missiles

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.8092412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Illinois Congressman Attacks NRA Tax Status, But Has His Own Non-Profit Problems


On February 6, Illinois Congressman Brad Schneider escalated attacks on the National Rifle Association’s tax exempt status, pushing for an IRS investigation on top of those currently under way by the Attorneys General of New York state and the District of Columbia.

Anonymous ID: 9aef04 Feb. 10, 2020, 9:24 a.m. No.8092482   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Without American companies that sold us out to Russia/Germany…They would probably still be on Horseback




May 31


Ford Motor Company signs agreement with Soviet Union


After two years of exploratory visits and friendly negotiations, Ford Motor Company signs a landmark agreement to produce cars in the Soviet Union on this day in 1929.


The Soviet Union, which in 1928 had only 20,000 cars and a single truck factory, was eager to join the ranks of automotive production, and Ford, with its focus on engineering and manufacturing methods, was a natural choice to help. The always independent-minded Henry Ford was strongly in favor of his free-market company doing business with Communist countries. An article published in May 1929 in The New York Times quoted Ford as saying that “No matter where industry prospers, whether in India or China, or Russia, all the world is bound to catch some good from it.”


Signed in Dearborn, Michigan, on May 31, 1929, the contract stipulated that Ford would oversee construction of a production plant at Nizhny Novgorod, located on the banks of the Volga River, to manufacture Model A cars. An assembly plant would also start operating immediately within Moscow city limits. In return, the USSR agreed to buy 72,000 unassembled Ford cars and trucks and all spare parts to be required over the following nine years, a total of some $30 million worth of Ford products. Valery Meshlauk, vice chairman of the Supreme Council of National Economy, signed the Dearborn agreement on behalf of the Soviets. To comply with its side of the deal, Ford sent engineers and executives to the Soviet Union.


At the time the U.S. government did not formally recognize the USSR in diplomatic negotiations, so the Ford agreement was groundbreaking. (A week after the deal was announced the Soviet Union would announce deals with 15 other foreign companies, including E.I. du Pont de Nemours and RCA.) As Douglas Brinkley writes in “Wheels for the World,” his book on Henry Ford and Ford Motor, the automaker was firm in his belief that introducing capitalism was the best way to undermine communism. In any case, Ford’s assistance in establishing motor vehicle production facilities in the USSR would greatly impact the course of world events, as the ability to produce these vehicles helped the Soviets defeat Germany on the Eastern Front during World War II. In 1944, according to Brinkley, Stalin wrote to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, calling Henry Ford “one of the world’s greatest industrialists” and expressing the hope that “may God preserve him.”