Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.8092703   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>8091932 The America Deep State Wants YOU To Be….""unaware and compliant citizenry""

>>8091998 Christians in northeast Syria living in fear as Turkish forces, IS group active in region

>>8092013 We have a look at who really does not want you looking into the CrowdStrike story: That would be Google.

>>8092121 DOJ is requesting a delay in Gen. Flynn case. Sidney Powell is opposing it.

>>8092184 December 15, 2015 Executive Order – Strengthening the Senior Executive Service

>>8092204 AP QAnon hit piece printed on the front page of today's Denver Post

>>8092259 Crossfire Hurricane: Texts Suggest FBI Considered Using Agent’s Connection to Mike Pence Aide

>>8092378 Turkey strikes Syrian Army positions after ‘5 troops killed in shelling’

>>8092396 Multiple Depts Caught Not Only Ignoring Rape Kits, But Destroying Them With No Investigation

>>8092412 Illinois Congressman Attacks NRA Tax Status, But Has His Own Non-Profit Problems

>>8092417 Christians are being captured and killed across the globe: 'World Watch List' takes you inside the crisis

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 9:58 a.m. No.8092719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Boris Govt to Lower Migrant Salary Threshold in Immigration Reforms: Report


The Conservative government is set to lower the salary threshold for some migrants in its overhaul of immigration laws post-Brexit.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said that he wants to introduce an Australia-style, points-based immigration system to be used by both non-EU and EU citizens post-Brexit and once freedom of movement from the bloc has ended. Under current freedom of movement rules, EU and European Economic Area (EEA) citizens can come to live in the UK without restrictions, even if they do not have a job.


It had been discussed maintaining the current Tier 2 (general) visa requirement of having a job offer with a salary threshold of a minimum £30,000. Last month, the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) advised the government to lower the threshold to £25,600, battein part to help recruit foreign teachers and NHS staff. However, there is already a lower salary threshold under the current Tier 2 system for jobs on the Shortage Occupation List, which includes nurses, some teachers, and engineers.


It would appear that the Conservative government has accepted the MAC’s advice, with Mr Johnson and Secretary of State for the Home Department Priti Patel expected to announce their immigration reforms on Friday to include lowering the salary threshold for some migrants. The BBC reports sources as saying that ministers plan to lower the salary to the advised £25,600. Workers earning less could earn “points” for qualifications or English language proficiency if applying for a role where there is a skills shortage.


Open borders-sceptic think tank Migration Watch UK warned that such a proposal would mean employers taking advantage of cheaper foreign labour without protecting British workers.


In a statement seen by Breitbart London, Chairman of Migration Watch UK Alp Mehmet said that “the reality is that the proposals would provide easy routes for employers to bring in unlimited numbers paying as little as £17,920 per year without even advertising jobs in the UK first”.


Mr Mehmet also criticised the plans for not including a key element of Australia’s immigration system: a total numbers cap.


“No mention of any limits or of any intention to reduce overall net migration. This is bad news for home-grown workers or of training our own, and hugely disappointing to the 30 million people who were looking for lower levels of immigration. There is little hope of this if such measures are introduced.


“The government has clearly caved into seductive pleas and huge pressure from employers who stand to benefit most from the continuing flow of cheaper labour,” the chairman said.


Office for National Statistics (ONS) statistics published last year revealed that in 2018, 602,000 people entered the UK. While 343,000 people emigrated, that left a net migration of more than a quarter of a million people (259,000).


The Tories had pledged in three consecutive election manifestos to reduce net migration from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands — promises they failed to keep on three occasions and which former Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne admitted in 2017 that the government had no intention of fulfilling. However, in the December 2019 pledge, mention of a cap had been dropped altogether.


Speaking ahead of December’s election, Mr Mehmet told Breitbart London: “The Tories have frankly run scared of their previous commitments and promises that they would reduce immigration. ‘Get it down to tens of thousands’ they said, which frankly was not a bad objective.”


“They couldn’t do it, largely because they were afraid,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10 a.m. No.8092744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2765 >>2895

At Least 3 Shot at Forest City, Arkansas Walmart


At least three people were shot today at the Forest City, Arkansas Walmart.


The police chief says the suspect was also shot inside the story on Deaderick Road.

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.8092759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2772

Germany Reports Outbreak Of "Highly Pathogenic" H5N8 Bird Flu Virus


Pig ebola decimating millions of pigs in China; Coronavirus affecting tens of thousands in China and around the globe, and now bird flu killing Germany's chickens.


Germany has reported an outbreak of the "highly pathogenic" H5N8 bird flu virus in a backyard in the southwestern part of the country, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) said on Monday, according to a Reuters report. The virus killed 44 birds out of a flock of 69 in Bretzfeld, in the Baden-Wurttemberg region, the Paris-based OIE said, citing a report from Germany's food and agriculture ministry.


"All poultry and captive birds have been culled and safely disposed of on Feb. 7, 2020. No poultry, poultry products or captive birds have been dispatched," it said in the report.

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:03 a.m. No.8092777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3202 >>3275

'I don’t understand how you can be a pedophile and keep your job’: 12-year old asks NHC School Board


Parents packed the New Hanover County School Board meeting Tuesday, demanding for superintendent Tim Markley to be removed.

Many of those parents and even a 12-year-old girl spoke out about the school sex scandal.

This all comes after investigators arrested Roland Grise band teacher, Peter Frank.

Frank is charged with a dozen felony sex crimes against female students.

It’s the third arrest of a school system employee on these types of charges within the past two years.

This was the second time this week the board met and did not mention the sex scandal. The meeting left parents more frustrated than ever after the board failed to discuss Peter Frank or any administration issues.

Dozens took to the podium during the public comment period.

“I am here today as a constituent, as a voter, and as a concerned parent to call for the resignation, the immediate resignation of Superintendent Tim Markley, Chairwoman Lisa Estep, and the following board members, David Wortman, Jeanette Nichols, Bill Rivenbark, Nelson Beaulieu, and Stephanie Adams, leaving Judy Justice the only person to sit on this board, therefore, making her Madam Chairwoman,” said one parent.

“We’re done with excuses and we’re done with blindly sending our children to schools you govern where they are clearly not safe,” said a social worker.

“It looks like things are being covered up,” said one mother.

Almost every person who spoke called for the termination of Markley or board members.

"I call for the immediate termination of Tim Markley and I call for an investigation into all board members as well as all admin in the district,” one speaker said.

“We call for the immediate termination of our superintendent for his role in over two decades of corruption and covering up child sexual abuse. We call for a complete change in leadership from top to bottom,” said another.

Hazel Eyles, a 12-year-old Murray Middle School student, stood in front of the board and hundreds of community members to read a statement she wrote herself.

“I asked my mom if I could speak tonight because, although I haven’t been directly impacted by this issue, I don’t understand how you can be a pedophile and keep your job,” she said. “If I do something bad at school I could be suspended or expelled, but if a teacher does something to a child, they keep their job. People should be held accountable if they do something wrong, and the teachers that have hurt these kids were not held accountable.”

Roland Grise Gifted Education Specialist Kendra Harrison also was at the meeting Tuesday. She said she feels like this is a top-down issue.

“One of the things that we really pride ourselves on as teachers are the relationships we build with our students and their families and for this board to allow that to be taken away in a second, it’s absolutely devastating,” Harrison said.

She talked about the devastation it has caused the school and the students.

“I have never been embarrassed to say that I work at Roland Grise. I’ve spent the majority of my career in that school, this is my ninth year there and I was embarrassed to wear my badge,” Harrison said. “You would question if you could even put this on your resume for heaven’s sake. The educators that I work with every day are dedicated, they’re smart, they’re caring, we’re obviously not in this for the money. We love what we do, and it’s a shame that someone would take what we’ve spent our life’s work on and turn it into the spectacle that it’s become.”

Despite repeated calls for Markley to be removed, he’s still on the job.

Another high ranking school administrator, though, is not. Dr. John Welmers, the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources resigned.

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.8092803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Finders Cult – CIA Connections – China

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.8092828   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Police 'wearing hazmat suits' will be able to HANDCUFF suspected coronavirus patients and force them back into quarantine: Tough new laws after a patient tried to 'BREAK OUT' from Arrowe Park and total UK infected DOUBLES to eight


Police have been given the power to seize people trying to escape coronavirus quarantine and force them back into isolation in handcuffs, the government announced today.

A law-change was revealed after an patient staying at Arrowe Park Hospital on the Wirral tried to leave before completing the 14-day stay after his return from China.

Government sources said those who returned to the UK on the evacuation flights on January 31 were given a 'very clear choice' and had to sign contracts saying they would remain in isolation for a fortnight.

But a source involved with the Arrowe Park incident said: 'We found we didn't have the necessary enforcement powers to make sure they didn't leave'.

Police will now be able to force people to remain in the units and, if they leave, to arrest them for committing an offence and take them back to the quarantine facility, MailOnline understands.

The new rule comes as England today announced its fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth cases of the virus – all of the three men and a woman are linked to the fourth patient, who has now been dubbed a 'super-spreader'.

The fourth patient was a businessman who returned to the UK from a conference in Singapore via a ski chalet in France, where other Britons were subsequently taken ill with the virus.

The Department of Health today declared the outbreak a 'serious and imminent' threat to the British public as it announced new powers to fight the spread.

In other developments to the outbreak today:


World Health Organization chief warns coronavirus outbreak could 'only be the tip of the iceberg' amid fears thousands of cases are going missing

Just under a fifth of known cases of the new coronavirus in China may be resulting in death, a new report estimates

The coronavirus can survive on door handles and bus or train poles for up to nine days - more than four times longer than flu, according to research

London's FTSE 100 weakened after Mr Hancock declared the coronavirus outbreak a serious and imminent threat to public health

Nearly 100 people died from coronavirus in China yesterday on the deadliest day of the six-week outbreak so far

Amazon and Sony are the latest companies to pull out of this month's Mobile World Congress, due to be held in Barcelona, because of the coronavirus outbreak

Sixty-six more passengers on a cruise ship in Japan have been diagnosed the killer infection, taking the ship's toll to around 136

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.8092858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WHO Coronavirus Meeting UPDATE


Get in here for some half-truths, outright lies, and a peppering of facts.

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.8092886   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-Christian Joy Behar Gets Surprise from 30,000 Angry Viewers Who Called Network


A host of “The View” and notable anti-Christian Joy Behar made disparaging comments against Christianity in February 2018, and her network clearly saw how big of a mistake that was.

“It’s one thing to talk to Jesus, it’s another thing when Jesus talks to you,” Behar said while discussing Vice President Mike Pence’s strong Christian faith. “That’s called mental illness if I’m not correct.”

The comments received a chorus of laughter from the show’s co-hosts as well as those in the crowd.

However, the Media Research Center and thousands of Christians weren’t laughing.

Shortly after Behar made her remarks, the MRC began a campaign calling on ABC to hold the show’s co-hosts accountable for spreading “anti-Christian bigotry.”

The campaign gained momentum, as ABC received over 30,000 calls from angry viewers, Fox News reported.

Disgruntled viewers also contacted the show’s advertisers, including Oreo, Home Advisor and Clorox. As noted by the MRC, the number of calls to advertisers soared to over 6,000.

MRC president Brent Bozell also published an open letter to the network, urging them to “right this wrong.”

“Make no mistake, the slurs against the Vice President’s faith insult millions of Christians and are unacceptable,” he wrote. “If there are no on-air apologies after this deplorable episode, Christians will tune out ABC programming across the board. And we will do our best to encourage it.”

He added: “I am sure the advertisers of ‘The View’ will be just as appalled as I am about the anti-Christian remarks made on the show.”

Bozell ended the letter with one final jab — a thinly-veiled threat, “I hope you are able to take the appropriate action before we begin.”

In a video announcing the campaign, Bozell stated that the MRC’s goal is to “put all these anti-Christian bigots on notice for once and for all.”


As reported by The Western Journal, Pence aired his grievances with Behar and ABC immediately after the remarks surfaced.

“I actually heard that ABC has a program that compared my Christianity to mental illness. And I’d like to laugh about it, but I really can’t,” Pence said in an interview with C-SPAN.

“Tens of millions of Americans today will have ash on their foreheads to mark the beginning of Lent,” he continued, referring to Ash Wednesday. “To have ABC maintain a broadcast forum that compared Christianity to mental illness is just wrong.”

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.8092915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

OPCW Tries To Discredit Whistleblowers in Response to Douma Leaks


The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) released a short report on their investigation into the many leaks that have come out since the release of their final report on a chemical attack that allegedly took place in Douma, Syria on April 7th 2018. The alleged attack was blamed on the Syrian government and resulted in an airstrike against government targets by the US, UK, and France.


The report titled “Report of the Investigation into Possible Breaches of Confidentiality” does not address the substance of the leaks or the two whistleblower’s claims. Instead, it focuses on confidentiality issues and tries to discredit the two former OPCW employees. The OPCW also released a statement by Director-General Fernando Arias on the investigation where he says the two sources “are not whistleblowers. They are individuals who could not accept that their views were not backed by evidence.”


The OPCW released its final report on the alleged Douma chemical attack in March 2019, which concluded a chlorine gas attack likely occurred. Since that report came out, two whistleblowers have come forward, their comments and leaks suggest that the OPCW suppressed the findings of its experts that were on the ground in Douma to fit the narrative that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was responsible for the alleged attack.

Inspector A – Ian Henderson


Two cylinders found at two separate locations in Douma were said to be the source of the chlorine gas. The idea that these cylinders were dropped from an aircraft is central to the allegation that the Syrian government was responsible, since Jaysh al-Islam, the group that controlled Douma at the time, did not have access to an aircraft.


In May 2019 the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media published an unreleased OPCW engineering assessment on the two cylinders that were found in Douma. This assessment concluded that there is a “higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed at those two locations rather than being delivered from aircraft.” This conclusion was left out of the OPCW’s final report.


The unreleased engineering assessment was prepared by Ian Henderson, who the OPCW refers to as “Inspector A” in the new report on the leaks. According to the OPCW, Henderson worked with them “from June 1997 to December 2005, eventually being promoted to Team Leader. He was rehired at a lower level in June 2016 and worked at the OPCW until May 2019.” Henderson may have been hired back at a lower level, but an OPCW document from February 2018 describes him as an “OPCW Inspection Team Leader.”


Since Henderson’s assessment was published, the OPCW has denied that he was a member of the Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) that deployed to Douma. Earlier leaks and Henderson’s recent statement to the UN shows there are two groups that can be considered the FFM. One group that deployed to Douma and another group that only deployed to Turkey known as the FFM “Core Team.”


The OPCW’s report on the leaks says that Henderson was not a member of the FFM. But the report also confirms that Henderson went to Douma “in support” of the FFM because he was stationed at the organization’s command post in Damascus.


The report says Henderson “accompanied the FFM to certain sites of interest” and “assisted in taking environmental samples at a hospital and in taking measurements at one location. He also assisted in processing the cylinders. He was later assigned to conduct an inventory of the Highly Protected information collected on the cylinders and to determine what information was needed to carry out further studies.”

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.8092927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3013

Nancy Pelosi’s Insider Trading. in 2011, 60 Minutes did a piece on how she made millions with insider trading. Watch when she gets caught!


I remember the morning that everything fell apart in 2008. Nancy came out and made a statement that she had seen something that frightened her and that something had to be done ASAP because things were about to get really bad. I’ve never been able to find a clip of it since, but I remember thinking her statement was odd. What had she seen that no one else had? Recently, I found out her husband was in the board of Countrywide, one of the worst offenders of handing out mortgages to people that should never been given them.

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.8092940   🗄️.is 🔗kun

JPMorgan Chase Confirmed as Target of Metals Price Rigging Prosecution


The U.S. Department of Justice investigation of criminal activity in the precious metals markets has taken an interesting new turn.


According to Bloomberg, prosecutors are targeting the bank itself and not just the individual traders involved in rigging prices. If convicted, the bank as an institution could be held accountable for years of structured and pervasive cheating.


The DOJ investigation of JPMorgan’s metals trading desk began more than two years ago. It came on the heels of a guilty plea by Deutsche Bank.


Deutsche Bank copped to spoofing prices and agreed to turn state’s evidence. DB then handed over hundreds of thousands of pages of documents, along with chat logs and voice recordings which featured traders gleefully conspiring with one another to cheat clients and other market participants.


Officials used that trove of information and other evidence to charge six JPMorgan traders with crimes. Some already pleaded guilty and made their own agreements to cooperate with the larger investigation.


But last week’s revelations from Bloomberg are the first confirmation that the mega bank is itself in the crosshairs.


Bank of America followed Deutsche Bank’s lead and moved to settle charges. The company paid fines and promised internal reforms. Many expect the extraordinarily well-connected JPMorgan Chase & Co will be granted similar leniency.


There is one interesting distinction in the DOJ’s handling of the bank, however. Officials have charged JPMorgan traders using RICO laws.


The implication is that the bank itself is to be treated as a criminal enterprise. Perhaps this time company executives will not be able to convince investigators the bank is an honest institution with the simple misfortune of having rogue criminal traders among its ranks.


JPMorgan deserves to get more than a slap on the wrist.


For many involved in the metals markets, it has been obvious for years that JPMorgan is at the center of a program to rig gold and silver prices. These cries were long dismissed as conspiracy theory. Today few can dispute there has been pervasive, well-orchestrated cheating over nearly a decade, if not much longer.


We now know at least some officials inside the Department of Justice agree. They view the bank’s activities as organized crime, like the mafia.


It remains to be seen whether actual charges will be brought against the bank. So far, only individuals have been charged. Given the bank’s power and influence there is no certainty justice will prevail, even if the evidence is overwhelming.


Finally, there is no certainty as to whether any penalties will be commensurate with the crime. Individual criminals on Wall Street may have been banned from trading and bankrupted by fines. However, it would be unprecedented for a bank the size of JPMorgan to receive a trading ban or fines large enough to meaningfully impact the bank’s operations.


The road to full accountability for JPMorgan remains long and full of obstacles. But it is certainly nice to see prosecutors treating the bank without the usual kid gloves.

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.8092982   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More Than 3 Dozen Military Hospitals to Stop Treating Retirees, Families, Memo Shows


Military families and retirees receiving care through 38 military hospitals nationwide will soon be forced to go off-base instead, and some pharmacies at those hospitals will stop providing drugs to those not on active duty, has learned.


A 12-page memo, reviewed by, was sent to the commanders of 50 military treatment facilities, or MTFs, targeted for changes. It details for commanders the impacts of a planned MTF restructuring, the subject of an upcoming report to Congress. It also includes a letter to commanders explaining upcoming changes, signed by Lt. Gen. Ronald Pace, who directs the Defense Health Agency, and provides communications guidance to public affairs personnel.


The changes are a part of a review of military hospital operations and a system consolidation under the Defense Health Agency ordered by Congress in 2016. Aimed at increasing a focus on military readiness, the consolidation includes a plan to cut about 18,000 uniformed medical personnel and increase focus on active-duty support.


But to do so, the hospitals must cull the number of family members and retirees to whom they currently offer care. The report to Congress detailed in the memo lays out the Pentagon's path for those changes.


"DoD must adapt the military health system to focus more on readiness of the combined force, while continuing to meet our access to health care obligations for active duty families, retirees and their families," the Feb. 3 memo states. "With a challenging array of threats around the world, we need our military medical facilities to keep combat forces healthy and prepare our medical personnel to support them."


The memo does not include the locations of the 50 affected MTFs, or a specific timeline for the changes. It's also unclear how feedback from lawmakers might impact the current transition plan.


Under a section of the document noted as "not for public release," the memo lays out a proposed plan to "reduce operations at 48 facilities and to expand or recapitalize operations at two others."


At 38 of those 50 MTFs, "DoD recommends reducing the scope of operations to active duty and occupational health services only, while in many cases maintaining pharmacy services for all beneficiaries," it states. "It is estimated that approximately 200,000 Military Health System beneficiaries who receive care at the MTFs identified for reduction in operations will transition to civilian providers" in the Tricare network.

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.8093135   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wuhan Coronavirus Bio-attack Is China’s 9/11, Same Perps


A Strong Case for Premeditated Act(s)

of Bioterrorism in Wuhan City, China

Carried Out by Paid Agents of the

Zio-Anglo-American Axis


SPECIAL NOTE: The Wuhan bio-attack appears to be just one in a series of ongoing biological attacks being conducted throughout mainland China. This Zio-Anglo-American bio-terrorist operation is being stealthily perpetrated to give the appearance that the national epidemic started with a single case in Wuhan City, when it’s still be surreptitiously spread in other Chinese cities via similar modes of propagation. Because the vectors of dissemination of this weaponized coronavirus are mapping worldwide at rapidly expandingrates, there are quite likely multiple methods of prolifera-tion which are being cunningly implemented to confuse the medical investigators as well as to avoid detection.


The following excerpt from a previous SOTN exposé on the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic tells one of the most critical parts of the quickly unfolding back story.


“In light of the US-staged Hong Kong protests, U.S. tariff regime against China, threat of economic sanctions against nations working with Huawei, CIA-inflamed Xinjiang conflict involving the Muslim Uyghurs, provocative sailing of US Navy warships through the Taiwan Strait, transparent political prosecution of Huawei’s CFO, ravaging of China’s pig farms by another DARPA-bioengineered virus, etc., the Chinese government has been under withering attack since 2018.”

(Source: WUHAN CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC BIOENGINEERED: Who’s behind it, why now and why China?)


With the crucial understanding provided above, the true intent and timing and nature of this ever-increasing series of transparent biological attacks ought to be much easier to correctly comprehend.

Deliberate Sabotage of China’s Economy


China has been earnestly pursuing economic development and commercial outreach throughout the world community of nations for many years. Those various business-development pursuits have been intensifying over the past decade. The Belt and Road Initiative is just one example of how serious China has been to forge a whole new Global Economic & Financial System (GE&FS) free from the incessant economic sabotage and financial terrorism perpetrated by the United States (and more covertly by the United Kingdom).


This new and swiftly emerging Global Economic & Financial System is being built without the domination of the many Western powers that constitute the Anglo-American Axis (AAA). The British and American establishments are especially being excluded. That means that the once Almighty Dollar will have no place in this immense Chinese-Russian-Indian project to remake the global economic and financial order.


This also means that the Almighty Dollar will be dethroned as the world’s reserve currency. Which is a very BIG thing for the Western powers. In point of fact, it doesn’t get any bigger than this. Unless, the West agrees to a level playing field not dominated by London and New York City, they will go the hapless way of the greenback. By the way, in the grand scheme of things, that’s called karma.


Given the carefully controlled demolition of the US petrodollar by the Eastern powers which has been undertaken since 9/11 out of sheer self preservation, the US, UK, Israel and other AAA-aligned nations have grown desperate—VERY DESPERATE!


KEY POINT: All of the nations that comprise the Anglo-American Axis have hitched their wagons to the US petrodollar. Were that wagon train to go over the cliff with the collapse of the US dollar, the international order will change [MAJORLY] in a day and a night. Rogue, criminal, apartheid nation-states like Israel will essentially be defenseless without the U.S. military protecting their citizenry and far-flung interests; so Tel Aviv has a LOT to lose and they know it. Great Britain will also fold without America to fleece as the Financial District in the City of London does 24/7. Hence, we see this pandemic as a reckless attempt by colluding Zionists in every AAA nation to destroy the RIICS economic alliance in order to maintain Western hegemony.*

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.8093168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3246 >>3300

Trump unveils $4.8 trillion budget that backtracks on deal with Congress



President Trump on Monday unveiled a $4.8 trillion budget proposal that includes spending cuts that would nullify a two-year deal negotiated with Congress last summer.


The new budget for the 2021 fiscal year beginning in October includes $590 billion in non-defense spending and $740.5 billion in defense spending. The total $4.8 trillion figure also anticipates about $3.5 trillion in spending on Social Security, Medicare and other entitlements.


The August deal hammered out by Trump in talks with the House and Senate raised spending for both defense and domestic spending.


Under the new budget, the defense figure is the same, but the domestic spending is cut through changes to a slew of federal programs and agencies.


Presidential budgets are annually ignored by Congress, so the two-year deal negotiated last fall is likely to remain in place.


"Everyone knows the latest Trump budget is dead on arrival in Congress. It’s merely a political stunt to gratify extremists in his party," said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), who is pushing for to reform the budget process alongside retiring Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.).


But the new budget shows where the president's priorities are, both for this year and a second term if Trump wins reelection, and some of the proposals could turn into budgetary battles later this year.


The Trump budget proposes slashing Commerce Department funding by 37 percent, the Environmental Protection Agency by 26 percent, the Department of Housing and Urban Development by 15 percent, the Department of Health and Human Services by 9 percent and the Education Department by 8 percent.


It seeks an 8 percent cut to the Agriculture Department's budget, a 21 percent cut to the State Department and foreign aid and an 11 percent cut to the Labor Department. It would reduce funding for Energy Department by 8 percent.


Though the budget forecasts a $1 trillion deficit for 2020 and a $966 billion deficit in 2021, it lays out a plan for eliminating the deficit over 15 years, a longer time frame than the typical decade-long budget window.


To do so, Trump would cut domestic spending while reducing costs to Medicaid and Medicare.


The administration would seek to reduce costs by capping or block granting Medicare benefits, adding work requirements to a slew of medical and anti-poverty programs or implementing changes that might otherwise lower the costs of Medicare and Medicaid.


Democrats pounced on the $700 billion cut to Medicaid and limitations on other health and welfare programs, which the administration said resulted from savings and efficiencies.


“Year after year, President Trump’s budgets have sought to inflict devastating cuts to critical lifelines that millions of Americans rely on," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a statement.


The path to clearing deficits also assumes that interest rates on the debt will drop again before climbing back up and that the economy will grow an average of 3.1 percent each year over the next decade, a growth level oft-promised but never achieved by Trump and his administration.


The proposal does include a couple of areas where there could be cooperation between the administration and Democrats in Congress.


The White House left an empty placeholder for a prescription drug plan, indicating an openness to negotiating a bipartisan deal with Democrats.


But officials were less optimistic about the likelihood of moving forward on a $1 trillion infrastructure plan, noting that Democrats would likely insist in raising taxes to cover the costs.

Anonymous ID: 013b94 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.8093193   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkey strikes 115 Syrian targets in response to attacks on its military


Turkey has attacked 115 targets of the Syrian army in response to the previous attacks on its military in the Idlib province, Turkey’s Ministry of National Defense stated.


"In accordance with the latest information from various sources, 115 targets of the regime [of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad] have been struck. 101 soldier of the regime have been neutralized, along with three tanks, two artillery positions and one helicopter. Defensive strikes on the approved targets continue," the statement says.