Anonymous ID: 3ff2f4 Feb. 10, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.8093008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Did 'Mueller' open the door to Ukraine?

Yes, when Trump brought on Rudy, it allowed Rudy to investigate the source of hoax, Ukraine.


>Did 'Mueller' open the door to FISA [illegal]?

How do you introduce evidence legally?

Yes, we all now know about Page/Strzok/Ohr/McCabe/Comey and the means they used to start spying on Trump campaign….illegal FISAs on Page


>Did 'Impeachment' provide a platform to discuss findings of Ukraine?

Yes, Rudy was given a platform to defend POTUS with Ukraine meddling evidence and ties to Biden and DNC


How do you introduce evidence legally?


Evidence is legally introduced at a legal trial, not a political hoax like Ds peachmint.


>Did 'Impeachment' harm or help POTUS [public]?


Peachmint help POTUS because the public saw it for what it really was, a sham by partisan hacks. Trump's poll numbers have risen since preachment and the public has turned against the Ds.


>How do you introduce [D]s high crimes [corruption] to the public?

By letting Fake News and Ds (one in the same) talk about them for months in their efforts to blame Trump for those crimes.


>Why didn't POTUS remove [Hussein] holdovers from NSC?

POTUS did not remove them, even though he knew they were working against them, because he was setting a trap for THEIR high crimes.


>Do you really believe that POTUS & team trusted [Hussein] holdovers to remain within the admin and work to enact POTUS' agenda w/o bias or confrontation?

No, he knew they would try to remove him and let them try so evidence could be obtained.


>How do you 'awaken' the 'induced coma' public [FAKE NEWS control] from their long sleep?

By letting the Fake News awaken them for you for by projecting their high crimes onto him falsely.


Sometimes allowing your enemies to [openly] attack…….

Logical thinking.