Anonymous ID: d149ab Feb. 10, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.8094001   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just now on Fox, Dana Perino, talking with Brit Hume:

"I wanted to read from our colleague, Byron York, he did a report… and asked somebody, "You think Biden is losing support by the hour?" I asked an experienced New Hampshire politico as he arrived to check out the Pete Buttigieg rally here in the southeastern part of the state Sunday afternoon. 'By the minute,' he said."


Hume: "The universal sense that you get around here is that he's toast. Now obviously judgements like that get formed and expressed and traded and agreed upon, and we play to their shot, but the sense you have now, that Biden's sinking in the polls here, the betting odds all have him way down, in fact like 1.4% or something like that… so that's the conventional wisdom, which may well be right."




"The other thing that you see is that it's one of the only campaigns where you have on-background staffers of the campaign pointing fingers at each other. What does that tell you?"




"It's a sign that the campaign's in trouble and taking on water, which is clearly the case at the moment."

Anonymous ID: d149ab Feb. 10, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.8094163   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They can't possibly believe that a single one of us– not the anons here, not the twatter crowd, not the FB crowd, not the YT crowd, not the word-of-mouth crowd– gives a single solitary damn about what they say about us.


We're talking millions of people now. Millions.

Public sentiment has turned, and it's with us, in a million varieties.