Anonymous ID: d3f245 Feb. 10, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.8094065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4109

Each Great Awakening has brought Christian religiosity into mainstream Americans lives.


Events happening worldwide can be seen as fulfillment of prophecy. Evil is exposed in high profile cases.


Whatever Q is, America’s core religious values and Biblical prophecies are considered in the drops. Perhaps, “The Plan” considers it foremost. Why would it do that?


Predictive models are based on analysis of outcomes. When predictive models work BEST with consideration of ancient and modern religious outcomes in them, then you use those models or risk bad results. Nobody likes to be told what to do. However, agency in one’s good actions are immediately rewarded on a spiritual level. (BE BEST) We are all intertwined. Service or sin, compassion or temptation, our actions don’t only affect ourselves. Outcomes become more predictable as cause and effect is discovered.


Trump’s vocalized dismay toward people who proclaim religion as a cover by those who know what they do to be wrong is a reasoned response. However, it exposes his own weaknesses. He has seen “The Plan” work in his administration, but still hasn’t fully embraced faith in it, or given his will to God. Neither have most people. How many actual Saints and angels do you know?


He’s doing right by the people, but for himself is not (yet) a righteous man. Trump’s core as a New Yorker is pride, belligerence, and coarseness. This appeals to a majority of people.


People want to be free to express themselves openly. Practice their beliefs as they see fit. Good things that are part of life. But, there are lines and boundaries to what is right and what is wrong.


Trump is not necessarily religious, we all get that, but he is following “The Plan”. Whether “The Plan” culminates in the Second Coming of Christ or is meant to prolong that eventual occurrence is debatable. Those who pray to a different god, would rather prevent it forever. It really is Good vs. Evil.


When people turn to righteousness and away from evil, God spares all for the righteous sake. So the end of “the game” is fore-ordained; Christ returns. Either way, (soon or sooner) God wins.


If more people become righteous, nations become more peaceful, righteous and Christlike. If Christ comes as a thief in the night because most people reject Him and his gospel, it is conditioned upon how wicked most people are. (WWG1WGA).


Not all nations consider this. Predictive analytics can and do. The more closely a nation turns to God, then all boats are lifted. As evil is vanquished, justice is served. Mercy extended to those caught committing minor crimes helps them repent and change into law-abiders.


Those who gleefully break the laws of God and man reject Christ. Those with no knowledge of Christ will be given that opportunity. It’s a level playing field. You decide what team you’re on.


God wins.