Anonymous ID: d6197c Feb. 10, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.8093773   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8092827 (lb)


>The 11 top U.S. companies targeted by China

This is telling.

Consider the recent data breach of Equifax (Barr presser)

The Chicoms likely sift through & analyze the data and locate those who:

A) Have massive debt and could 'use some help' financially, or

B) Those whose expenditures are far above their 'pay grade' and are possibly corrupt, or

C) Any other skeletons they can glean from PII.


Thet then know who is likely susceptible to blackmail, pay-offs, coercion, etc.


They then target company officials to get their foot in the door.

This is also true of colleges, governments, think-tanks etc.


It's insidious (brilliant on china's part) and must be exposed and stopped.