Anonymous ID: 4bd8e7 Feb. 10, 2020, 11:52 a.m. No.8094300   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Commits Suicide By Declaring War on China


Ben Fulford- Feb.10, 2020


The battle to liberate planet Earth is reaching a dangerous stage as the Khazarian Mafia uses Bioweapons to try and start a war between the United States and China. 

However, this plan is backfiring because both the Chinese and the White Hats in the military-industrial complex know exactly who is behind the bioweapon attacks on China and now Africa.




There is also an unprecedented campaign of Censorship going on regarding the bioweapon attack on China. 

For example, the following paragraph was deleted from a Hong Kong-based news site:

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has officially demanded that the United States explain why biohazard containers were found buried in the evacuated consulate general in Wuhan'''. 


The PRC security forces cordoned off other U.S. Diplomatic Missions in the country.”

Only the censored version of the article missing this text can now be seen at:


Also last week, the Indian scientists who reported they had found HIV viruses artificially inserted into the new coronavirus infecting China were threatened with death by Mossad agents and forced to retract their paper, according to Mossad sources. 


Apparently somebody powerful in Israel is desperate to cover up the fact this was a bioweapon attack on China. Of course, the world is not buying the story that this is a naturally occurring coronavirus.  The Muslims know what is going on, as do the Russians and the Indians.  So does everybody else, except a shrinking group of brainwashed sheeple in the West.








No matter what though, the U.S. and China are not going to be fooled into going to war with each other.  This can be seen, for example, in an official Xinhua news report about a call Chinese President Xi Jinping had with U.S. President Donald Trump that was requested by the U.S. side. 

Trump said, “The United States fully supports China’s fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic, and is willing to send experts to China and offer assistance in various other forms.”



In fact, Trump informed the Chinese that the U.S. had arrested three individuals in connection with the bioweapon attack on China, including 60-year old Dr. Charles Lieber, Harvard University Chairman of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.


Robert David Steele, formerly of the U.S. Marines and the CIA, last week sent the following message to the Chinese about Lieber:

"Weak signals are emerging that Wuhan was an act of war by Israel against China, using a double-agent, Dr. Charle Lieber, (who is Jewish and therefore especially susceptible to Zionist influence if not control) whose top student from China was embedded at Wuhan University of Technology where he was also a “Strategic Scientist.”


We are also hearing that this could have been an Insider Trading double-play like 9/11, also done by the Zionists.  Who benefited in the City of London, Wall Street, and Hong Kong and Tokyo stock exchanges? 



In what may have been a retaliatory attack, HIV expert Dr. Frank Plummer who was “recognized for leadership roles in the Sars, H1N1 flu and Ebola epidemics,” died suddenly on February 4th. 





>3:48 minute video from 7 hours ago  Shows Life Inside the Wuhan Coronavirus Hospital 

Anonymous ID: 4bd8e7 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.8094492   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The FakeNews Jewish Mossad MSM will Collapse Soon


147,920 Sealed Indictments.


Many of these sealed indictments are for these Jewish MSM America-hating Hyenas. When the indictments are unsealed, they GET ARRESTED.


Every one of these Corporations are Owned, Produced and Fronted by Jews. From the Chairmen, CEOs, Producers to the on-Camera talking heads.


And according to Q - Controlled by MOSSAD.


Same for the Jew Owned Print media, and Social Media monopolies.Manufactured anti-Trump riots, manufactured Outrage, manufactured Consent —


Once the MSM is taken down, their Jewish Narrative COLLAPSES overnight


Only then will normies get the TRUTH.


>The game is over when the public knows



Anonymous ID: 4bd8e7 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.8094636   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Only the Israeli Army JIDF clowns are Paid Shills, that is literally their job in the Israeli Army. they actually wear their Army uniforms at their computer desks.


Don't conflate real anons with the fake JIDF shills.

It's not how many posts an anon makes, it's whether they're pro-America or Israel First.

Which one are you?

Anonymous ID: 4bd8e7 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:45 p.m. No.8094929   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Notice how MSM Libtards always pretend that No Crimes Were Committed:

"Execute those we disagree with" - "disagree with"

when the Q anons Truth is:

"Execute those who have Committed TREASON, Sedition", Raping children, Murder and Child Sex Trafficking rings, Stealing Taxpayer money, Drug trafficking, Money Laundering, Election Rigging…….


The Syphilitic MSM really needs to be taken down SOON.