Anonymous ID: 76c365 Feb. 10, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.8094211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4501

>>8094122 lb


well, however they want to spin it, the truth is right here…and has been around a few years now. board is about the same as it was a couple years ago but will a little less digging and a little more shitposting. this anon thinks it's because more of us see that it's a movie and we are under no real pressure to discover things needed for the plan to succeed since it seems it was over before it started. digs come when Q gives us something to dig but most Q posts lately have either been reminders of old info or encouragement to anons. folks have to lurk a while to sort out the nonsense and/or not get caught up in fights with shills. kind of like listening to Rush. 30 years ago he had to challenge people all the time to listen to a week of his shows before making an evaluation of it. i'd recommend the same for new lurkers to this place.