Anonymous ID: cf18d1 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.8094535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4719

>>8092424 (pb)


this nails it.

>PrivatBank had been the subject of large-scale and coordinated fraudulent actions, resulting in losses of $7 billion and at least $5.5 billion of it was USAID!!!! SO WTF happened to all that money?

> Now Glenn Beck came up with a theory I've yet to see any evidence of "YET" but it's very very plausible. Beck think that Barry was financing an unauthorized war via Iran Contra style on steroids. This is not entirely out of the question.

Financing Timber Sycamore? Is this why Cofer Black was involved?

During his tenure as Barack Obama’s vice president, Biden was a key supporter of sending US arms to the militants fighting against Damascus. He was involved in the Central Intelligence Agency’s classified weapons supply and training programme, known as Timber Sycamore, which equipped and trained thousands of fighters between 2012 and 2017, when it was closed down by the Trump administration.

Back in February, The Intercept was the first media outlet to reveal clear linkages between ISIS and Ukraine. The article by Marcin Mamon begins by recounting how the leader of the Islamic State's underground branch in Istanbul was headed to Ukraine to join other members of ISIS in fighting those from Eastern Ukraine that want further autonomy from Kiev and a likely political alliance with Moscow.


We are told that ISIS is planning terrorist attacks in Europe, and security forces are busy rounding up suspects all across the continent – and yet here is this gaping hole in the West's defenses, where "the brothers" are quietly infiltrating without much notice in the Western media. '''In cooperation with ultra-nationalist groups like Right Sector, which have also formed their semiautonomous battalions, the Islamists of Ukraine, brandishing Ukrainian passports, have opened a gateway to the West …

As US aid flows into Ukraine, how much of it will trickle down to these allies of ISIS – and to what future use will it be put?'''

Anonymous ID: cf18d1 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.8094719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4823


>Cofer Black

11 May, 2014

About 400 elite mercenaries from the notorious US private security firm Academi (formerly Blackwater) are taking part in the Ukrainian military operation against anti-government protesters in southeastern regions of the country, German media reports.

The Bild am Sonntag newspaper, citing a source in intelligence circles, wrote Sunday that Academi employees are involved in the Kiev military crackdown on pro-autonomy activists in near the town of Slavyansk, in the Donetsk region.


In particular, Greystone Limited, which is currently registered in Barbados and is a part of Academi Corporation, is a candidate for such a gendarme role. It is a similar and probably an affiliated structure of the Blackwater private army

Allegations increased further after unverified videos appeared on YouTube of unidentified armed men in the streets of Donetsk, the capital of the country’s industrial and coalmining region. In those videos, onlookers can be heard shouting “Mercenaries!”“Blackwater!,” and “Who are you going to shoot at?”


6 May, 2014

Dnepropetrovsk and its surrounding region—Ukraine’s second largest, with a population of 3.5 million—are an island of calm amid the violence gripping the nearby Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Dnepropetrovsk’s peacekeeper-in-chief: an oligarch named Igor Kolomoyskiy who was appointed regional governor earlier this year by the new government in Kiev.


Kolomoyskiy’s most dramatic act as governor has been to offer cash incentives to deter unrest. He’s offered a $10,000 bounty for any foreigners caught engaging in “subversive activities” in the region, as well as cash rewards for the seizure of machine guns and grenade launchers. His PrivatBank, Ukraine’s biggest bank, even put up a billboard offering “$10,000 for every Moskal,” an insulting term that Ukrainians use to describe Russians. It’s not clear where the money is coming from or how much has been paid out; phone calls and e-mails to the regional government’s press service were not answered.

Anonymous ID: cf18d1 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.8094919   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're welcome.

In the case of their reputed involvement in eastern Ukraine, the hypothesis is that it was more or less the same black budget that was funding ISIS which was the same black budget that was funding Hunter's coke and hookers binges.

This might explain why not just Biden, but the Europeans and the IMF and everyone in Hussein's administration wanted Shokin gone.