Anonymous ID: e52ea0 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.8094457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4474 >>4476 >>4545 >>4549 >>4627 >>4743

>>8092681, >>8092690, >>8092724, >>8092788, >>8092827, >>8092868 (pb) >Moar Chinese buyouts


Nice Work Anon's


One area I noticed you guys didn't look to much into is commercial real estate. Starwood and Waldorf are good starting points those are the ones that are right out in the open. They have been buying up properties all over the US since 2008.


I have worked in this field for 20 yrs and have seen it many times


Allot of their purchases look like they come from an American investments firm, In reality their funding capitol comes straight from China.


Its allot like flipping houses only the properties are worth 100s of millions of dollars, China might be the single biggest property owner in the us right in front of the Vatican

Anonymous ID: e52ea0 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:13 p.m. No.8094558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4582 >>4756




‘There’s a lot of uncertainty and fear.’ Coronavirus is making it harder for some Chinese investors to buy U.S. real estate


For New York-based real-estate agent Xiang Jill Ji, the coronavirus outbreak that began in China has already had an effect on her business.


One client who was planning to purchase property in New York with financial assistance from his parents — who live in Wuhan, the Chinese city where the outbreak began — had to back out of a deal when his parents decided against sending him money.


Another client was supposed to travel to the U.S. in early March to close a real-estate purchase. The closing is now postponed indefinitely after the Trump administration announced it will bar all non-U.S. citizens who recently visited China from entering the country.


“There’s a lot of uncertainty and fear,” Ji, who works as a broker with Douglas Elliman Real Estate, told MarketWatch. “I was supposed to meet some groups of Chinese investors in March and April. At the moment, I don’t think they’re able to travel.”