Anonymous ID: ee8082 Feb. 10, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.8094278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4384 >>4401 >>4418

Q's drop #3849 said simply Justice.

That is a word that Rudyard Kipling thought deeply about.




October, 1918


Across a world where all men grieve

And grieving strive the more,

The great days range like tides and leave

Our dead on every shore.

Heavy the load we undergo,

And our own hands prepare,

If we have parley with the foe,

The load our sons must bear.


Before we loose the word

That bids new worlds to birth,

Needs must we loosen first the sword

Of Justice upon earth;

Or else all else is vain

Since life on earth began,

And the spent world sinks back again

Hopeless of God and Man.


A People and their King

Through ancient sin grown strong,

Because they feared no reckoning

Would set no bound to wrong;

But now their hour is past,

And we who bore it find

Evil Incarnate held at last

To answer to mankind.


For agony and spoil

Of nations beat to dust,

For poisoned air and tortured soil

And cold, commanded lust,

And every secret woe

The shuddering waters saw—

Willed and fulfilled by high and low—

Let them relearn the Law:


That when the dooms are read,

Not high nor low shall say:—

"My haughty or my humble head

Has saved me in this day."

That, till the end of time,

Their remnant shall recall

Their fathers' old, confederate crime

Availed them not at all:


That neither schools nor priests,

Nor Kings may build again

A people with the heart of beasts

Made wise concerning men.

Whereby our dead shall sleep

In honour, unbetrayed,

And we in faith and honour keep

That peace for which they paid.

Anonymous ID: ee8082 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.8094396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4428 >>4455 >>4608



I was ill this morning so I didn't realize this has now happened.

The East Wing is where the NSC folks work, isn't it.

Obama holdovers gone.


But more importantly, this confirms what the Shills have been telling us about Mr. E.


He posted this coded message yesterday evening

The only way he could have known is if he is very close to the President

I believe that he is actually the DOJ's National Security Adviser.

And the way that shills on this board would all pile on and curse him and try to marginalize him

Everytime I posted one of his tweets

Had already convinced me that he is the real thing.


There are a few other insiders who follow Q

Support Q

And drop their own crumbs.

Like this Man of Mystery, Mr. E.

a.k.a. Eye The Spy

On his hand he just has E right now

But check the brim of his hat on the twitter banner of his profile.

Anonymous ID: ee8082 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:10 p.m. No.8094510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4523 >>4572 >>4652 >>4694




These two shills are most likely merchants of Child Porn

Because in the DOJ, Mr. E.

Has a pet project

Which is to track down and identify all the servers

That host this material

Whether on the darknet

Of the Pentagon's network

Or not.

A few days ago, the Pentagon shut off access

Through their network

Because of public complaints

After Mr. E. had asked people to make some noise.

Anonymous ID: ee8082 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:20 p.m. No.8094650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4712 >>4782 >>4918



Here comes the Hivemind bullying

Everyone must have the same politically correct views.

Nobody can get out of line with the crowd.

Submit to the angry bullies


Where have I heard this before?

Let's see…


Saul Alinsky


Project Mockingbird

Clowns In America

Mental Institutions


90% probability these shills are the enemy

10% probability they are just mentally ill.


Do not filter them

And call out one or two every bread

But always with facts and rational thinking

Anonymous ID: ee8082 Feb. 10, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.8094694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4759



The video in the linked post is signed


This is math notation meaning Not E

In other words, he has posted some work by a friend

But it seems to be one of his Cicada 3301 friends

Because there are messages coded in the video