Fucking Post+ filter… He replies to himself, so it works like a charm
post plus doesnt filter all tor users, just that post and the replies to it. Learn a little more about this place anon
Tbh i wouldve done her back in the day. Probably still would just the once. Im a little sick too, anon.
seriously. his shitty facebook meme bothers me more than the other posters stuff by far
or you could just say what it is. Ive got other stuff to research atm and you said its urgent
Nope. Been doing this stuff probably longer than youve been alive. Religions and mysticism have always been my main studies. You're a schizo moran who likes to think he knows more than he actually does
was talking about the other anons stuff, not you
It was an excuse, but just so happens to be an actual trigger for those that are naturally fucked up to begin with. A psychopath may never be harmful, but looking at porn and going deeper and deeper down the rabit hole with more and more fucked up stuff brings out some wicked things, anon. Not talking just bewbs and normal shit, but dark, dark shit. Some people cant or dont want to draw a line and get more and more depraved. Maybe theyd find something else to bring it out, but maybe not.
I know you dont. Weve talked a few times on here and all you have is bullshit. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo……………. Idgaf about your opinion.
Do elaborate, please
Must be depressing to realize im just laughing at you making shit up out of thin air.
You are one sad, sad little crazy person. Find a better fucking meme, faggot. Are you not evil?
where did i say we legislate anything, anon? i just gave an explanation of how porn can set someone off. Knowing how it works and advocating for banning it are two completely different things.
Oh< and you never said how i was going to get this place banned or dropped. Please explain that claim as well.
You need some legitimate help.
Enjoy your darkness now. its not going away. You've more than proven that.
Thats the whole point of this place. very similar to twitter in that regard, but nowhere near as bad. Yet…
Once again, I'm glad you think you know me so well. You're a sad litttle fool whos been tricked to think he knows the truth.
im not attacking anyone but the guy who thinks he already knows it all. Real people of faith know that its a constant journey and know that we dont know the entire thing. You are a sad little fool, like i said earlier
Youre a slide that i chose to feed into because im bored. its been… fun…? schizoanon