(on phone forgive typos)
Remember how when your brother or sister found out you hated being poked? What did they do after that? They did everything they could to annoy you by poking you every chance they got. They didn't necessarily like the physical act of poking you, they just really liked watching you get pissed off for whatever reason.
I think that's exactly what's going on here. The liberal/socialist left hates conservatives so much that they don't really believe in what they're fighting for, they're just doing it in such a flamboyant way to piss off the right. They don't really "love" having abortions, they just know how much it pisses of the right when they pretend to love abortions. They don't really love socialism, they just love the reactions they sometimes get from conservatives when holding socialist propaganda 2" from their faces. It's why Antifa antagonizes constantly. It's why Nathan Phillips did what he did.
I'm sure they "like" socialism, but when they see how much it pisses off conservatives and nationalists, they step up the rhetoric. I think this is why you're seeing what you're seeing in the 2020 Democratic candidates - the mutual hatred of the right by the candidates and their constituents produces a mutual, organic feedback-loop of adoption of each other's views - now it's gotten way out of control but it's naturally become normalized..