Tanks Bakes
Night Shift all up in the house for Bakes!
Hey hun, two eggs titty side up.
>I think we should let Trump be Trump.
Oooohhh, and who's going to stop him, YOU!
You and anjel
>Evening Night Shift.
Computer God
>The Deja Vu is stong here.
Fucking Fucking based and KeKpilled.
I get it every time I do a minidig for newfags.
> This place isn't any old boardโฆnot even close.
No my good anon, it most certainly is not.
Children of the Sea
>Thank God for that. I don't like you either
Yeah leaf, but you missed the point.
NO ONE likes you.
I'm at least fucking tolerated, you deer lick flavored carribou fluffer.
>cowardly attack. Coward. Fraud. Keyboard militant.
Yeah. Look pea brain.
I warned you after "Notable Creek".
You got no games, no reparte, and your copy pasta tranny Dilater scented.
I can do this shit all night.
I only get fucking stronger, you chemically twisted tranny fuck.
You shall never PASS!