Anonymous ID: ca7e32 March 27, 2018, 10:03 a.m. No.810106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0163

cont'd post #836 events Jan 17 2014





New taxpayer-funded research must be made available to the public free of charge within a year of its publication, the Obama administration said Friday.

The president's Office of Science and Technology Policy told federal agencies to work on plans to release federally funded studies to the public. The policy applies to future unclassified research by agencies with research budgets of $100 million or more.

"Americans should have easy access to the results of research they help support," said John Holdren, the director of OSTP, in a response to a petition urging the public release of taxpayer-funded studies.

Advocates of open access to research hailed the decision.

The Association of American Publishers, which has strongly opposed other efforts to make free the work its members publish and charge for, called the White House directive "reasonable."

The United States planned to spend about $66 billion on nondefense research and development in the 2012 budget year, according to the Congressional Research Service. Nearly half of that is research funded by the National Institutes of Health, which is already making public the results of the research it funds.




Tucked away on page 1,020 of the 1,582-page spending bill winding its way through Congress, Section 527 of the ‘‘Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014’’ would make taxpayer funded research publicly available within 12 months of publication.

According to the bill, federal agencies must develop public access policies that provide a "machine-readable version of the author’s final peer-reviewed manuscripts that have been accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journal." The policy applies to all federal agencies with research and development expenditures exceeding $100 million a year. The proposal resembles that introduced last year by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, although it is not clear how Congress's involvement would affect the rollout of those policies.

The $1.1 trillion bill, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday and the Senate on Thursday, is expected to be signed into law.



>part of 2013 chain of events per Q#836

Anonymous ID: ca7e32 March 27, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.810163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0335







Mission 5: Russia LINK (?)

(2013 timeline of events) <Snowden bails

(1/17/14) <omnibus bill

>EFF weights in on omnibus with respect to taxpayer funded research available/ scannable to public (NIH relevant?)

need help with the Russia connection unless it simply is the WHY Snowden to Russia in 2013

>ties in with ES in NK?

>EFF against We The People?

>relevance on attached to open servers (HRC?)

