Anonymous ID: 15b70b Feb. 11, 2020, 5:38 a.m. No.8100752   🗄️.is đź”—kun


A good opportunity to red-pill Kenyan government on the truth about the war criminal fag bottom clown asset to spoil any notion of a homecoming. You know that any fact filled ex parte comms White Hats have with Kenyan leadership has gotta be grinding Hussein’s gears. Prolly trying to back-channel them after Jarrett gave him the news about this like he tried with Kimmie. But I’m sure Kansas talked them into changing their cell numbers and ignoring any calls. You know all that “future U.S. aid” and stuff and that “we can hear you breathe”. Just sayin’..

Anonymous ID: 15b70b Feb. 11, 2020, 6:01 a.m. No.8100888   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1038


>we could make


The anon lost me at “we”.


The truth about the GA and this place is already out there for those looking for it. No brainiac spokesperson PR types need apply. @POTUS will clarify and red-pill in his own way if anyone grows the balls to ask him the question.


What IS needed, however, is a red text perma-notice in the dough that anyone deemed to be inciting violence or predicting any act of future violence (with any amount of detail) WILL be reported to the proper authorities.