Anonymous ID: 396a50 Feb. 11, 2020, 4:21 a.m. No.8100394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0397 >>0404 >>0405 >>0406 >>0410 >>0422 >>0423 >>0459 >>0474 >>0529 >>0541 >>0583 >>0732 >>0754 >>1041 >>1107

Morning anons…


Have been thinking about a Qanon media statement we could make as a board. (they) will continue to lie about us. Does "no comms" mean between us and Q or us and the media? Here is what I am thinking…


-we draft a press statement and pin it for a few days for all anons to review

-past edits we submit the press statement

-we do NO INTERVIEWS..we are an anon group


Something like…


"The Qanon boards on 8kun are a place where the anonymous whistleblower named Q can place information that can be assessed. Generally this is military grade information. Anons dig out information that comes from local sources, local news, videos, plane traffic, boat traffic, radio transmission, audio transmissions, and other data. This data is presented to the group and the group forms opinions and pushed the data and new information out via social media. Generally by memes.


Because we can no longer count on the main stream media to tell us the truth about our world and events around us, anons are being called on to dig the truth and spread the truth. One needs look no further than the protests in France which have been ongoing for over a year and a half. These have been very large (hundreds of thousands), sometimes violent, supported by first responders, supported by unions, supported by most people in France. And yet you hear nothing about it on the main stream media."

Anonymous ID: 396a50 Feb. 11, 2020, 5:06 a.m. No.8100591   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe you could come up with a motto…

"Weed over country…"


And please spare me the criticism..have done ALOT to help decrim and legalize…by virtue understand the GAME around marijuana VERY VERY VERY well…


This election about our FUTURE and the future of our country…but oh please vote weed over country…


BTW..DJT will not only decrim weed in his second term he will reshape the FDA to accommodate marijuana and allow deeper marijuana research


The current scientific state of research on marijuana is ABYSMAL for a variety of reasons, but easiest way is to reschedule and that changes EVERYTHING…DJT will do so with a stroke of the pen in his second term…

Anonymous ID: 396a50 Feb. 11, 2020, 5:10 a.m. No.8100611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0620 >>0629 >>0633



Part of the culture of this board is insults…kinda keeps the normies away frankly. That and they never get the undercurrent and true flow of the board…


However, no reason for anons to be mean to each other. Anons, for me, are pretty obvious. Lets be nice/kind/loving to anons…


If anons are nice to other anons shills will glow brighter…just sayin'