Anonymous ID: 65d797 Feb. 11, 2020, 6:13 a.m. No.8100961   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q posts link to revival video that was posted the same day as the equinix happening. Today Barr announces charges against perpetrators and israill announces breach of all voter IDs.


IC anon family member once told me my H2 was worthless after a balloon event (as was every other vehicle with a built in GPS). Instant brick. Years later over beers and autistic badgering, was told ww3 would be like world war z the movie, and no one would know who unleashed it, followed by everyone waking up one morning to $0 bank accounts and no one knowing where the money went or how to fix it.


When asked about the sealed 65k proceedings(remember the days!?), "who do you think those are for?"….shrugs at IC drinking buddy and says "probably us" to the shock of the buddy.