Anonymous ID: 79f97a Feb. 11, 2020, 4:27 a.m. No.8100410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0529


While I like the idea, any press statement or notification pinned to the site will be completely ignored by the MSM. They're not interested in telling the truth about us, but spreading lies.


We have hunker down and take the shelling.

Anonymous ID: 79f97a Feb. 11, 2020, 4:55 a.m. No.8100544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0557


I'm not unsympathetic to your viewpoint, anon, but consider the following:


Right now there is an inordinate amount of addictive drugs being pumped into the US by the cabal. Everywhere they have been (South Asia, South America, Afghanistan), we have seen a massive increase in drugs coming in from those areas…their plan is to create a nationwide epidemic, to hook entire generations on the stuff and destroy America from within…and while one would be correct that criminalization has aided them financially, widespread legalization at this point would remove the only bulwark we have against this plan. The key to remember is that the spread of drug abuse (recreational or otherwise) is not a result of natural market forces at work, but of a society that has been, for generations, faced the widespread availability of dangerous drugs through artificial manipulation of supply.


It's like the Fed or any other nefarious scheme of the cabal…you have to wrestle it away from them and then carefully dismantle it. Same with drugs. Snatching it away cold turkey could be disastrous, especially when making it easier to get such drugs is not really that high on anybody's priority scale - except THEM.


When the CIA is destroyed, when the cabal has been broken, then perhaps decriminalization can proceed carefully. Until then, widespread legalization is playing right into their hands.