Anonymous ID: badfc1 Feb. 11, 2020, 4:18 a.m. No.8100382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0454 >>0729



>The satanists must have felt so invincible for so many years. The spell they cast over the people who they call "sheep" seemed utterly unbreakable. The satanist could see truths every day that the sheeple were apparently incapable of even turning their minds to, like nicely dressed zombies. Witnessing the sheeple's totally magical enchantment would be a very concrete daily reminder to the satanist that the next human sacrifice was "worth it" to him. It was a tangible measure of how their supernatural technologies gave them so much power. They loved what I hate: they loved seeing the sheeple under a spell, because it was proof and assurance of their control, while I hate seeing my brothers and sisters asleep to the truth of their salvation.


>No wonder the satanists never thought she would lose. They'd come to have such blind trust in their black magick. That trust deluded them about the real price they'd pay, however – they believed Satan when he told them they could outsmart God.


>So every satanist continued to give Satan what he wanted, while falling deeper and deeper into a soul-trap of total evil.


>I can only imagine what it would have been like to float through the world seeing the truth all around me, while everyone else stumbled along so fecklessly, and in nearly constant pain too. Not to mention that there would have been the tangible rewards that magically landed on your doorstep too. Like the character in Rosemary's Baby who miraculously gets the break of his acting career after he devotes himself to satan. Hollywood is that times a million.


>Yes, the effects of the black magick were measurable, and still are. Ask any of the elites. But their terror now stems from the fact that their magick has been curtailed if not totally cut off. Their evil prayers go unanswered. There's a disturbance in the force, as Warriors of Light learn that the prayers to God deliver a powerful return, and that the ancient prophecies of God's retribution are coming true.


>What the moronic satanists didn't factor was that Satan was never ever going to win. What a shocker. Yeah, Satan lied to his own minions, and they fell for it. Who knew Satan was a liar?


dem deans & presidents musta knew

da same secret handshakes

the whole corrupt temple!