Anonymous ID: e9543b Feb. 11, 2020, 4:17 a.m. No.8100374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0430 >>0487 >>0684


There's been a weird light over Queens , NY

It's round, seemingly hovers and doesn't move, changing colors.

Neighbor saw it first. Been around for weeks. Seemingly right over or in the direction of where the bizarre electrical explosion was dec. 27 '18

blue, then phosphorescent green, then red-ish

I have vid but I'd rather not dox my location.

It's something different than reflection from clouds. More like a static rainbow, sphere.

Anonymous ID: e9543b Feb. 11, 2020, 4:24 a.m. No.8100398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0585 >>0746


Makes the case which is solid that the death was faked and the "sister" Denise was "Nicole" and just died her hair.

Most people aren't very observant.

The match with the talking head isn't great, IMO. The match is cherry-picked.

Disinfo? but provokes thought.

Could be relatives. Talking head is way young to actually be her.

Anonymous ID: e9543b Feb. 11, 2020, 4:30 a.m. No.8100422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0529


It's anon and open to the public

You'll never get consensus.

Anyone who made up such a group statement would be immediately suspect of being a plant or a clown?

We're free thinkers so we're not agreeing on any statement. Anyone who tried to say we did would be full of shit.

What would be the purpose?

We already know the other side lies against us; AND ARE IN BAD FAITH what else does anyone need to know?

How could we plausibly defend ourselves through their mouth pieces, which we already know are dirty?


They MAKE UP the news. They don't need us, except to twist whatever we say.

Come out as a single anon and say what you want.

You can post a blog or whatever.

Anonymous ID: e9543b Feb. 11, 2020, 4:53 a.m. No.8100530   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Don't agree they would do an official statement - that's only for "optics" PR

Something like this, they'd cover up, get a double easily, or spend three days deciding on the "Palace announcement" - How he died of a heart attack or auto crash or whatever.

Since he's a witness being squeezed he has to "suicide" ?

"Andrew did not commit suicide"

Remember what Hunter Thompson said

to paraphrase

"I don't necessarily know what happened, but what I do know is whatever they are telling you is a lie"

Anonymous ID: e9543b Feb. 11, 2020, 5 a.m. No.8100566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0578


son of her daughter ANNE

the bitch who snubbed POTUS

Two images don't seem to match

guy with the 5 o clock shadow doesn't match the one below from '16

No telling what's going on with these people, They shoop their photos like mad. Have been for decades.

Queen is front for real power otherwise she wouldn't have approved the imposter's marriage to the ding-bat; nor would she go around sporting a shiner on her left eye.

Second son Andy is also a bastard.

These people will never subject themselves to authentic DNA testing, it would ruin their whole scam.

Anonymous ID: e9543b Feb. 11, 2020, 5:15 a.m. No.8100632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1021


Pushed by the Cabal onto the Boomers generation. Done deliberately.

Will destroy the best minds.

If you're calibrated to accept it and take it as fun? Brain needs something like that to feel something? to feel "spiritual" - You are probably already fucked.

It's ruined a lot of lives and those people are forgotten. It targets very smart and sensitive people for madness.

It targets people with specific DNA.

People they want to get rid of.

"Collateral damage. "


These asshole spooks like Terence McKenna claimed there's no such thing as schizophrenia - and blamed the victims

"they would've gone mad anyway"

meanwhile he's on the intel services payroll.

Don't listen to the hype. People are thrown away and forgotten once they fall ill; never to be seen or heard of again.

old fag here knows.

Listen youngins

Wow the spooks push that shit hard.

Sensible people stay away.

"Acid Tests"