Anonymous ID: f70a11 Feb. 11, 2020, 4:51 a.m. No.8100520   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0540 >>0575


You are incorrect. You need to study Monarch mind control slaves. CIA's MKULTRA program(s). They do not have a choice. They have many personalities which control them and the core (front-facing) personality has no choice. They are tortured as children start at age 3.

Anonymous ID: f70a11 Feb. 11, 2020, 6:06 a.m. No.8100916   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0958


GREAT rundown of consensus control!

I nominate to be considered



(I corrected the missing spaces below.)


At the end of Capricorn One, the hoax is exposed. That is the crucial element of the film, not the hoax itself. Just as with Watergate, these things eventually come out of the dark. Or this is what the audience of Capricorn One was meant to conclude, and most of them did conclude just that. They thought that they had gotten to the bottom of Watergate with Nixon's demise, and they were assured by Capricorn One that if something fishy had gone on with the Moon Landing, that would also come out eventually. The fact that nothing did come out on the Moon Landing, either before or after 1978,seemed to confirm to most people that the Moon Landing was real. This is the go-to misdirection to this day, for all conspiracy theories. After 911, they used the same misdirection, leading most debunkings with the idea that with so many people involved and so many intangibles, secrecy could never be maintained. That's nonsense, of course, but it fools most people.Most people don't want to believe in faked events, so they are pretty easy to deflect with false reasoning like this.


The truth is, secrecy isn't maintained. There are leaks, and many people know the truth. Others find out the truth. But that doesn't matter because total secrecy isn't necessary. All that is necessary is that the leaks aren't reported by the mainstream press. As long as the government and press stonewall and deny, the majority of people aren't going to move past a certain point. The CIA learned a long time ago that a small percentage of activists can be ignored, because the masses won't follow them. Most people will follow the majority, no matter where it goes. That is why it is called the majority. Because of that,Intelligence only needs to manufacture the majority opinion. In other words, the majority of people don't even need to believe something, they only need to be told that a majority believe it. That is enough to stop them from acting on their own beliefs or suspicions. The government doesn't poll the public to discover a majority opinion, at least not on important topics. The government just creates a majority opinion and publishes it. Most people then believe it—or at least believe it is the majority opinion—simply because they saw it published. Even if they don't share the opinion, they believe they are in a minority, and therefore powerless.


You see, in this way, the governors can cleverly stop majorities. To stop a majority, all you have to do is prevent it from realizing it is a majority. In a so-called democracy, this is enough to stall it, since people have been taught from childhood to bow to greater numbers. If you get outvoted, you are supposed to back down. So the governors simply tell a majority it is a minority, and it immediately loses steam.


For example, I think a majority of real people now believe 911 was manufactured in some way, but even when the mainstream reports on this “conspiracy theory,” they report that some minority of kooks believes it. The word “kook,” with any number under 50% is enough to stall most people. Most people won't even think of getting off the couch until the number hits 51%, and even if 100% of everyone they have ever talked to indicates they believe it, they will still be stalled if the media tells them they are in a minority. They will believe the media over their own eyes and ears.