Anonymous ID: 28d23b Feb. 11, 2020, 7:46 a.m. No.8101559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1577


Your other half should start applying for another job before he loses his job.

Another anon mentioned ebay. There are alot of things people think are worthless, and really they are worth alot. Like vintage toys, old pottery, etc. When you search for an item to see how much it is worth on ebay. Go to advanced search and click the completed auctions box, so you can see what final price was. Also weather permitting( depending on where you live)you could try a garage sale/

Another anon mentioned trying to cut your bills down to the basics. Cable bill is a good one to cut( you can watch things on the internet/you tube)

Shopping for clothes at a thrift store can save alot of money.

if you have extras like going to gym,,, things that are not as important as losing your house.

Also try to save money in the food/grocery department. Lots of info online on how to make food last, and how to prepare good cheap meals for your family.

Check all the jobs online at sites like monster, and craigslist.

Also going to places you or your spouse are interested in working at in person and asking if they are hiring.

Back in the day i used to ask to speak to manager, and i managed to always have a good conversation and many times was hired on the spot.

Maybe some anon skills you utilized here can help expand the type of jobs you are both looking for.

Also be creative with your resume.