Anonymous ID: 6895a7 Feb. 11, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.8101575   🗄️.is 🔗kun


God's Plan is for us to Work Together.

War is the opposite of Work; Work is only Work if you're free from fear to Act – God's Armor is your mind Acting towards your Imagination.

President Trump doesn't want to put his Americans – our fellow Americans – away for non-violent activity deemed illegal by those that designed the system to dupe you into redefining force and the ideas that lead to its manifest.

Our Force is that of the Mind forcing LIFE!


Soon the black market will come to an end as we have Trump and all of Us turning our attention towards creating a market in which technology benefits the individual's liberty, fundamentally.

Military tech is becoming dependent upon a generation raised on internet memes and social media psyops – what do you think is going to happen?

A tailor could sew his way to millions in one century, as easily as a tailor sews for millions for nothing in another.

The difference is that the knowledge becomes known over a longer period of time, therefor creating more people to process the knowledge and the products created from its identification.

You will not realize how big this is until seemingly complex bodies become simply understood with Internet Tutorials.

The WILL, is what they've wasted blood on; why do you think they called that film "Triumph of Will"? With all the techniques in a splat of innovative activity that seemed almost too good – too simple – to be realized.

It is not that they've existed in alternative Timelines and have sought to doom this one to a Swamp that begs for its Meaning –

Rather, they've existed as you've existed, but of One Mind – a Collectivism that's as nightmareish as possible to experience Consciously. Think The Thing from John Carpenter's The Thing…but, trapped, because if it's commanding of the Sciences becomes realized by something else, Game Over.

Jesus' Technology is Love; his Body is the Image that God has given EVERY HUMAN BEING TO COMMAND – and that is what we seek to Conquer, uniquely as Americans.

They want to conquer Men, and We want to conquer OURSELVES.

So be it!

God bless Ameranons!