Anonymous ID: 6f1fe4 Feb. 11, 2020, 7:06 a.m. No.8101267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1273 >>1278 >>1281 >>1285 >>1286 >>1287 >>1289 >>1290 >>1291 >>1293 >>1297 >>1302 >>1315 >>1316 >>1319 >>1333 >>1338 >>1350 >>1351 >>1360 >>1375 >>1397 >>1406 >>1411 >>1479 >>1514 >>1559 >>1563 >>1577 >>1583 >>1621 >>1745

Anons. I'm sorry for this heart pour- out… Im scared. My other half is about to lose a job. I dont make enough to keep us all afloat. I dont want to lose our house, I dont want to disappoint our children. I keep filling out applications for better employment… Nothing so far…. Im lost. Im scared. If you have an extra minute, please say a quick prayer for us. We're sinking fast. You're the only family i have on this side of the world ( besides the ones under my roof)…. So if you can say that prayer, I thank you from the bottom of my anon heart. With love (no homo)


Anonymous ID: 6f1fe4 Feb. 11, 2020, 7:24 a.m. No.8101393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1409 >>1442

















Your prayers, kind words and suggestions mean the world to me. Thank you for taking the time and reaching out to me. Anons, you truly have the heart of gold and you're the best faceless and nameless family members I could ever pray for. I took screenshots of your suggestions and I will fight fight fight. I'm a warrior ( trained by God and you) I will not give up. Thank you, from the depths of my heart. When we say WWG1WGA, it means something. I feel your love and prayers. A million times over, thank you. May God bless each and everyone of you.

Years wiped, deep breaths in, getting ready for work now

Anonymous ID: 6f1fe4 Feb. 11, 2020, 7:34 a.m. No.8101460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1495 >>1552 >>1565









Thank you. I love you anons so much. Best humans with the best hearts come here to this board and not only save the world from evil, you lift others up when they are in need. Ive seen this outpouring of love for others in the past 2 years. I'm so humbled and feel so much love right now. God bless you all. I will not give up and i will take your suggestions.

Anons are true family


Anonymous ID: 6f1fe4 Feb. 11, 2020, 7:44 a.m. No.8101547   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Noted. And you're correct. God may need me in another place. I will continue to seek him with every breath i take. Let his will be done. God bless you anon. Thank you for your words. How true they ring

Anonymous ID: 6f1fe4 Feb. 11, 2020, 8:02 a.m. No.8101696   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This place is Chuck full of the very tippy top best humans this world has to offer. I asked for prayers and ive been overwhelmed with your kind responses. You offered kind words, solutions, suggestions and prayers. I'm so humbled. Thank you to each and every one of you. God bless you all. No more taking up the bread with my problems and fears. Back to saving the world. Just know, that i love and appreciate you more than words can express. WWG1WGA is real and your prayers mean the world