Anonymous ID: 7345e6 Feb. 11, 2020, 6:50 a.m. No.8101162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1305 >>1358 >>1496 >>1746

Why am I Here?

Have you ever stood on the deck? Dressed well, life force strong from best efforts toward healthy intentions.

Fighting for the future of your baby girl, who's tortured youth of irreconcilable differences has devolved to cutting.

Ever since mom was freed (early, and with no treatment for sociopathic behavior) from her prison sentence and made the first call in 5 years, her desire to return was inconsolable.

There before the exalted figure in black, gold fringed flag, family all there to support me, representing myself, because I am no fool as to what will happen in this production.

Then, I see my daughter for the first time since they took her by force.

I was so Proud of her, as she rebuked the lawyers claim that I molested her, obviously shocked.

Within six months, she was raped.

She told me who.

I hope to soon explain to her what forces that set these actions into motion. To Identify and expose who Really is responsible.

Even if they never are known, the knowledge of these dynamics may save others from similar grief.

The Silent War Continues.