Anonymous ID: ba478b Feb. 11, 2020, 7:21 a.m. No.8101372   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8100746 lb

Thanks for this. I like exploring the psychology & sociology of it all.


The corrupt powers actually don't need to make a majority of the citizens believe a deception. They only need to convince a majority that the majority of other people believe it, which is much easier to do. Then each person will either fall in line with what it seems like the majority believes, or they will stand quietly alone, isolated and powerless. This is why Q and Trump call the MSM the greatest enemy of the people.


One of the other 'insiders' was talking about this principle prior to the 2016 election. I think it was HLI anon ( In reality very few people actually liked HRC or wanted to vote for her. But as long as each person thought this was just their own secret opinion, and believed that most other people liked her and were voting for her, then the elites could get away with stealing the election for HRC.