Anonymous ID: c17f05 Feb. 11, 2020, 7:52 a.m. No.8101605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1639 >>1689 >>1806

>>8099865 (pb)

>NSA/CSS: how we've been working to protect the 2020 presidential election


Nakasone & Co had better make damn well sure that Soros and the Dems don't get a SINGLE fraudulent vote let alone steal as much as a town dogcatcher's race in 2020.


Frankly, I've been holding my breath waiting for news to drop that a Nationwide sting resulted in the arrest of hundreds, no, thousands of local election officials, and Soros himself, along with the confiscation of thousands of machines which were used to steal a dozen or more midterm Congressional races.


Yet we STILL hear senators and representatives, the Mockingbird MSM and even @POTUS' own Cabinet Members talking about the inevitable, the unstoppable boogyman red herring of "Russian Interference" which like an aggressive cancer will spread over the whole of Social Media deceiving and influencing every voter in the Land! Then will come the call for the Silicon Valley scions to take greater responsibility and censor, throttle and shadowban every "alt right", conservative and independent pro-MAGA voice on the Internet. Even possibly banning @POTUS from tweeting any longer as he is, at the very least, an unwitting Putin stooge!


Yes, this noxious drumbeat has already begun despite the fact that no one has proven that Russian interference, if any, has influenced ONE vote in either 2018 or 2016!


This disingenuous and flimsy excuse to further erode freedom of speech on the Internet might be sufferable but for the fact that the Dems have the entirety of the Mockingbird MSM in their corner as they had in 2018 and 2016!


Now what greater argument could be made against allowing a monopolized and consolidated MSM to exist than the fact that by throwing its full weight behind ONE Party (in a Two-Party system) it will assuredly influence the electorate and remove EVEN the PRETENSE of "democracy" in this Constitutional Republic of ours?


Lemme see....How about that monopolized and consolidated Mockingbird MSM being weaponized to support the most blatantly obvious, ongoing, three-year plus political coup d'etat our Nation, the World has ever witnessed??!! Ya think that might be a more persuasive argument to make?? Nope. Not a stinking word. Not even firebrand Paul Rand dare question this yuge White Elephant in the middle of our living rooms!


What in the name of all that is dear type of power or cloak of immunity protects this beast which has been over fed, which has grown way too large to be removed from our homes and, more importantly, from our collective psyche??


Q, with all due respect, weren't we supposed to witness the beginning of a sea change, a crack in the consolidation, which might herald an explosion, a pulling of the plug which would begin to really free the People's minds?? What "block" does the MSM still hold which has prevented the easiest Sherman anti-trust case to be brought on any number of important grounds, say "a clear and present danger" to National Security??!!


This has been the most massive gaslighting operation which has caused more damage than can be imagined to the People, the Nation and to the entire World for at least half a century.