Anonymous ID: c73ec4 Feb. 11, 2020, 7:49 a.m. No.8101583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


First. Prayers for you guys. You can do this.

Second. You keep praying for God's guidance and protection. He did not lead you this far to abandon you.

Third. Poverty can be a blessing. Ditch all non essentials. Cook from scratch. Eat beans! Better diet better health. Find a local flea market and be a weekend buy sell trade fixture. Sell off anything you do not use. Clean friends houses and do yardwork. They will appreciate the trusted help and you will get spare cash. Do not eat out! Start a babysitting service for locals with four kids. If the kids are old enough they should be working too. Keep a journal. Start an envelope system for your cash. Do not charge anything. Look into emergency short term loans with interest on paper with trusted individuals. Treat your poverty as training! I promise you it will come in handy many times in the future.

God bless you guys. You can do this!