Anonymous ID: 457861 Feb. 11, 2020, 9:09 a.m. No.8102290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2316





LMFAO at the shills who hate this shit. KYS FAGGOTS.


My only issure with this theory is that it fits in wayyy too neatly with all the monarch programming.


Jason Bourne - wakes up in the sea and doesnt know his name - has to fight assassins and shit


and on and on, once you get it you see that it's everywhere, and that begs the question: is this a part of it? and if so, was this part of their plan?


I dont think so though, but until I see that first shockwave I'm withholding full judgement.


Also David wynn miller strikes me as a liar, but Russel Jay Gould and this self described psyopping army guy seem to be dropping truth nukes.


Also there are a couple of aussies who figured it out and seem to make sense, but they all seem very spook like, except for RJG.


He's cool as fuck and a patriot to the fuckin core if even 5% of this story is true.