Anonymous ID: 538c31 Feb. 11, 2020, 8:45 a.m. No.8102061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8101559 (/pb)


I'm sorry Q (not addressing you as Q), I have a hard time believing the sympathy fishing on here.

The vast majority do not ring true.

Too many examples of slides over the years.

I know you made an example with the reply about the dog just shortly after expressing my thoughts.

No matter how fucked up my life gets I would never come on here and fish for sympathy from Anons.

That's why I just don't see it from others, not to the extent it occurs on here.

Unfortunately it creates a filter, a lens if you will.

The copious amounts of sympathy fishing slides unfortunately take away from the 1% that are legit Anons seeking emotional support.

I have infinite amounts of compassion, but I absolutely do not believe the majority of these scenarios that arise on here.

They are effective slides, as sympathy garners more responses than any other type of slide I've studied since we all began here.

Maybe with all of your metadata tracking you can pick out the 1% of legit cases and respond to them.

Unfortunately those outside of the NSA cannot.

Yours truly, The LIGHT.