Anonymous ID: 75570c Feb. 11, 2020, 8:36 a.m. No.8101984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2163 >>2370 >>2588


Zerohedge article from 2016 with Soros Ukraine info, as well as a blurb about McKinsey.


Another Home Run: the Ukrainian Conflict

There’s no doubt about Soros’s great influence on US foreign policy. In an October 1995 PBS interview with Charlie Rose, he said, “I do now have access [to US Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott]. There is no question. We actually work together [on Eastern European policy].”


Soros’s meddling reared its ugly head again in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which began in early 2014.


In a May 2014 interview with CNN, Soros stated he was responsible for establishing a foundation in the Ukraine that ultimately led to the overthrow of the country’s elected leader and the installation of a junta handpicked by the US State Department, at the time headed by none other than Hillary Clinton:


CNN Host: First on Ukraine, one of the things that many people recognized about you was that you during the revolutions of 1989 funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in Eastern Europe and Poland, the Czech Republic. Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?


Soros: Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now.


The war that ripped through the Ukrainian region of Donbass resulted in the deaths of over 10,000 people and the displacement of over 1.4 million people. As collateral damage, a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet was shot down, killing all 298 on board.


But once again Soros was there to profit from the chaos he helped create. His prize in Ukraine was the state-owned energy monopoly Naftogaz.


Soros again had his US cronies, Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew and US consulting company McKinsey, advise the puppet government of Ukraine to privatize Naftogaz.


Although Soros’s exact stake in Naftogaz has not been disclosed, in a 2014 memo he pledged to invest up to $1 billion in Ukrainian businesses, but no other Ukrainian holdings have since been reported.

Anonymous ID: 75570c Feb. 11, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.8102009   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Obama nominates McKinsey consultant as deputy director for management


President Barack Obama nominated Beth Cobert as the new deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget. If confirmed by the Senate, Cobert would replace Jeff Zients, who left the position in May after spending four years as the DDM.


Cobert is a senior partner at McKinsey & Company where she is the global leader for functional capability building. In that role, she is developing the skills for the more than 9,000 employees in the consulting practice. She also is the firm’s global leader in marketing and sales and the chairwoman of McKinsey’s pension fund.