Anonymous ID: 80131c Feb. 11, 2020, 9:12 a.m. No.8102328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2346 >>2370 >>2588

>>8095738 pb


Biden, Soros, Burisma Holdings, and Ukraine perspective from Russia Insider News


New Eastern Outlook is the Eurasia/Middle Eastern division of Russia Insider News, providing a different perspective than “Western” news reporting. The following are articles covering, Soros, Bidens, Burisma Holdings, and Ukrainian interests.

Brief article summaries provided (6 articles, approx. 13 pages material)


The Soros Subversion Machine on a Platter

New Eastern Outlook April 19, 2014


  • Article sub-topic headings

Extra! Extra! Soros Pays for EU Elections!

Stoking the Marginalized Fires of Youth

We Control the Vertical – We Control Your Culture

The Bigger Picture


West Visits Newly Installed Regime in Kiev

New Eastern Outlook April 23, 2014


  • Discusses visit to Ukraine by [McCain], C_A Dir Brennan, and VP Biden


Joe Biden in Turkey & The Syria Scam

New Eastern Outlook Jan 25, 2016


  • Discusses Biden’s lack of motivation to defeat ISIS in Syria and US-NATO aim for further chaos in Syria


Ukraine Smolders: Greedy Businessman” Father and Son Team!

New Eastern Outlook Oct 11, 2019


  • 10 years of Obama Administration and CIA funding of anti-Russian separatists in Ukraine

  • Ukraine topics deflect from Democrat failures

  • 2014 Nuland call and Biden “midwifing” the Ukrainian government overthrow

  • Democrat accusations against President Trump are not accurate

  • Concerning Burisma Holdings, “Joe Biden and Hunter, his “businessman” son who could teach Trump how to make the “Art of the Deal””

  • Discusses deep divisions within Ukraine and political appointments linked to aid

  • Compares current Ukrainian culture to the Soviet film White Sun of the Desert


How Come the Biden Family is Above US Laws?

New Eastern Outlook Oct 22, 2019


  • Bush and Obama era “War on Terror” is convenient cover up for money laundering schemes, carried out hand-in-hand with military contractors and covert operations

*States “even Hillary Clinton came as far as admitting to Goldman Sachs that Washington has been supplying weapons to the states that are funding jihadists.”

*Discusses VP and Hunter Biden’s role in Burisma Holdings, quotes New York Times article on thae “blatant violations of all legal norms”

  • Discusses influences from NATO and natural gas production concerns

  • Sums up VP Biden’s activities “In general, it should be emphasized that corruption has deep historical roots in the United States, since local businessmen have always been trying to use corrupted politicians to receive a maximum profit from tricking the state.”


Putin and the ‘Biden Memorial Pipeline’ to China

New Eastern Outlook Dec 7, 2019


  • Discusses Russian gas pipeline development plans turning from the west (Europe) and looking toward the Chinese markets, nicknamed the “Biden Memorial Pipeline”


War Room / Current Operations / Call to Dig Biden/Romania/Cyprus

Bread #10363 >>8095738 pb

Anonymous ID: 80131c Feb. 11, 2020, 9:30 a.m. No.8102515   🗄️.is 🔗kun



These are new links from articles and separate from my Biden-McCain and Russian South Stream Pipeline post last night.


Also working on some Latvia-PrivatBank articles and a few others. Will check War Room for any link updates when posting.


Lots of reading and eliminating many articles that provided no insight on the topics. KEK


ThanQ Anon for maintaining the bun.