Anonymous ID: 9e9d5d Feb. 11, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.8102273   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2350 >>2372



You post this about Trump often.


Thank God for Jesus Christ Who came and bore the penalty of our sin for those who go to Him in repentance and faith, to whom He gives the free gift of salvation. The old life is washed away and all things become new…for those who repent and surrender to the Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ. Those who have not, are under the leadership of satan no matter how good they think themselves.


So shill…let's talk about you. Ever stole something? Ever told a lie? Ever disrespected your mother? Ever had an evil or selfish thought? All sins leading to hell for the unrepentant. Have you surrendered to the Lordship of Christ and understood that all your best deeds are as menstrual rags before a Holy and Righteous God?


One little lie, one little selfish thought and you are equal with the deeds of Donald J Trump, because all our deeds are as filthy rags, and until you repent, and get the log out of your own eye, you will not be able to see the splinter in his.


Is DJT a sinful man? Yes, he is. So am I. So are you. So is every human being whom has ever drawn breath. I dont condone his past life. He would not condone mine, but I also dont know his current heart. All I can do is look at the pattern of his life and that seems to have changed. The one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom.


Shill, Hillary, Lyn, Bill, Comey, whomever you are who is constantly posting this drivel: look at your own life. You have to answer for your life, not DJT's. He will reap his consequences, as will you. Now, go do something constructive and stop wasting our brain cells with your nonsense.