Anonymous ID: b75d5c Feb. 11, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.8102045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2057 >>2069 >>2076 >>2089 >>2102 >>2108 >>2112 >>2117 >>2119 >>2128 >>2134 >>2147 >>2159 >>2177 >>2182 >>2187 >>2195 >>2200 >>2309 >>2333 >>2365 >>2394 >>2402 >>2442 >>2465 >>2479 >>2528

I'm a Bernie Bro and I volunteer for his movement. We are better than you. We're smarter and better organized. We are also not racist or homophobic. (We love Trannys) Our rally's will soon make trump rally's look like a Biden rally as soon as our competition is eliminated and all of the democrat base is unified behind Bernie.

Bernie 2020