Anonymous ID: f209b6 Feb. 11, 2020, 9:23 a.m. No.8102437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2588

New doc & THIRD whistleblower hit OPCW for throwing dirt at leakers claiming Douma account was fabricated


A third whistle-blower has come forward to corroborate the previous complaints that the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) tried to suppress evidence-gathering in the Douma probe, a report says.


The alleged new whistleblower, whose redacted email was shared by the Grayzone Project on Tuesday, backed the complaints made by two former OPCW employees — South African engineer and organization's veteran Ian Henderson, and another whistleblower known as 'Alex.'


OPCW Director-General Fernando Arias had earlier dismissed the pair — dubbed Inspector A and Inspector B in the organization's inquiry into their claims — as low-level rogue employees who conducted field work without proper authorization and which simply "could not accept that their views were not backed by evidence."


However, the person, described by Grayzone as a former senior official with the OPCW, stood by Henderson and 'Alex,' writing that his time with the organization was "the most stressful and unpleasant" one in his life.


I feel ashamed for the Organization and I am glad I left it.


"I fear those behind the crimes that have been perpetrated in the name of 'humanity and democracy,' they will not hesitate to do harm to me and my family," the person wrote, explaining the decision to remain anonymous.


Henderson was deployed with the fact-finding mission to Syria shortly after the alleged chemical attack in Douma. The inspector concluded that the cylinders, supposedly containing chlorine, were more likely manually placed on the ground rather than dropped from planes. According to him, the higher-ups discarded his findings without explanation, and sidelined him from the rest of the mission. Its final report was later used by the US and some European countries to implicate the Syrian government of Bashar Assad in conducting the attack, which the Syrian authorities vehemently deny.


The Grayzone published what they say is a written copy of Henderson's testimony at the UN in January this year.


According to the document, two senior fact-finding mission (FFM) officials refused to formally accept Henderson's engineering report on Douma upon its completion. The inspector unlimitedly submitted the report to OPCW's secure archive himself. But the Chief of OPCW Director-General's Cabinet instructed Henderson in an email to "remove the document from the Registry, and remove all traces, if any, of its delivery and storage there," Henderson's testimony reads.


In his alleged testimony, Henderson also refuted the claim that he was a low-level employee by pointing out that he served as "inspector/team leader," up until he was suspended in mid-May 2019. Grayzone, meanwhile, noted that an official OPCW report from February 2018 described Henderson as an "OPCW Inspection Team Leader" just two before his deployment to Douma.


This was also corroborated in an email, published by WikiLeaks, in which a person believed to be Henderson's colleague claimed that it was "falsehood" that "Ian did not form part of the Douma FFM team," and accused the OPCW of "discrediting" the whistleblower's work.

Anonymous ID: f209b6 Feb. 11, 2020, 9:26 a.m. No.8102473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2497 >>2512 >>2543 >>2588

Twitter Punishes Wife of General Flynn – Takes Away ALL OF PEOPLE SHE WAS FOLLOWING After She Defends Her Husband in a Tweet …Updated


The Obama Deep State spied on General Flynn since 2015. He was a number one target of the Obama Deep State.

They wanted to ruin him.

They wanted to punish General Michaal Flynn because he turned against President Obama and spoke honestly about the president’s failed strategy that caused the rise of ISIS in Iraq.


So the Obama, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Brennan, Clapper deep state set him up.

Now General Flynn is bankrupt and fighting to stay out of prison based on a deep state lie.


On Monday Barbara Flynn, the wife of General Flynn, posted a heart-breaking tweet.


“My husband is being treated like he’s public enemy #1. All he did was help @realDonaldTrump become POTUS & did his job as incoming NSA. Our GOV that he protected for 33 yrs turned against him. Sad. ⁦@BarbaraRedgate⁩ ⁦@JosephJFlynn1⁩⁦⁦⁦@SidneyPowell1⁩”


Because of this tweet Twitter took away ALL of the 11.5 thousand people she was following.

Apparently, the tech giants have joined with the deep state to ruin Trump supporters and their family members.


UPDATE– Twitter restored Mrs. Flynn’s list of people she was following after the story went viral.

Anonymous ID: f209b6 Feb. 11, 2020, 9:28 a.m. No.8102500   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Obama Deep State Officials Who Approved Criminal FISA Warrants to Spy on Trump and Plot Against Gen. Flynn Are SAME OFFICIALS Involved in Fixing FISA Process!


This is just outrageous!

The same officials who signed the criminal FISA warrants to spy on President Trump are today the SAME OFFICIALS with responsibility of revamping the broken FISA system.


Investigative reporter Paul Sperry reported last week on these criminals in the deep state who should be sitting in a jail cell rather than at a desk in the DOJ.


According to Paul Sperry: Gabriel Sanz-Rexach is Obama official who was the FISA gatekeeper at DOJ in 2016 when the illegal warrant to spy on Trump campaign was authorized. Sanz-Rexach also happens to be the same official who just certified to the FISA court that DOJ & FBI would reform their ways.


Dana Boente was the hi-ranking DOJ official held over from the Obama admin who signed off on the now-invalid 3rd FISA warrant to spy on Trump aide Carter Page. Boente is now the FBI’s GC who just certified to the FISA court the FBI would reform its FISA abusing #FixIsIn


And check this out…

Crooked Sally Yates was plotting with Gabriel Sanz-Rexach on FISA warrants two days after General Flynn was sworn in.


Maybe relevant, maybe not. More importantly, Mike Flynn was sworn in on 1-22-17, then on the 23rd Yates schedules 2 FISA meetings w/ Gabriel Sanz-Rexach (NSD), Stuart Evans, NSD, Matthew Axelrod (ODAG), Tashina Gua (ODAG), and 2 redacted people from NSD


More on Sanz-Rexach at The Federalist—


The IG report acknowledged this, noting that Gabriel Sanz-Rexach, the chief of the Office of Intelligence’s Operations Section, explained “that the evidence collected during the first FISA application time period demonstrated that Carter Page had access to individuals in Russia and he was communicating with people in the Trump campaign.”


And FBI Director Wray needs to be fired.

He has proven himself to be part of the problem and not part of the solution.