Anonymous ID: fe4de7 Feb. 11, 2020, 8:36 a.m. No.8101988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2144


It's called hypocrisy.

They have labeled Trump as a racist with zero proof for years.

Many dems have said the worst racist things, 1000 times more so than any republican they have pointed their finger at.

Also the dems that condemn and twist every little thing to try and make repubicans look racist. To see if they ignore or say anything to defend him, thus proving themselves to be hypocrites and liars.

Also if it throws some contention/fighting within the dem party, thats always fun to watch, KEK


Nothing wrong with showing and proving who the real racists are.


They( top dems, media , celebs, cabal) are racists against everyone who is not them.

They hate us smelly walmart deplorables as much as they hate Black people, Babies, children, and everyone.

They thing we are all sheep and chattle to them. Their personal worker bees.